How can I send an intention to publish when I don't know it will be published?
Also until I am ready to use it, I wont commit myself to publishing something.
It may look fine at a quick glance but when we come to edit it something may be wrong, photos too low a resolution, drawings won't open, even on a couple of occasions, the text would not import because it was not utf8. In these cases it is quickly replaced with a different article.
Take the portable engine series. At first glance it looked fine. The wheel article seemed ok and drawings were reasonable. It went downhill from there. The time spent trying to edit this article and sort it out is many days rather than hours.
I try to use articles as quickly as I can. Regular contributors often go straight to the top of the pile as they are a known entity. An article received this morning has already been put into MEW 192.
Two articles received were in Microsoft Publisher format. I want to use them but I can't open Microsoft Publisher documents. Sometimes I get Word documents with the photos imbedded in them, again the photos are no use as the resolution will be too low.
Sometimes I get articles with dozens of photos and I get told to pick what I want.
That will change editing time from a couple of hours to a couple of days.
Guidelines are available but many contributors don't bother to read them. They are not written in stone but should not be ignored.
I use about 35 to 40 articles every 4 weeks, 3 magazines worth.
If I have 140 articles in stock, that will only last two months as 70 of them will already have been scheduled in for the next month or two.
I do have to balance articles as well.
Two ways, firstly a variation of content and secondly I have to work to a budget.
It would not take me long to run out of articles especially through the summer when I don't receive so many.
regards David
Edited By David Clark 1 on 19/05/2012 19:23:13