Yes, and no. Sounds like an equivocal answer, I know, but I don't think it's an easily answered question.
On the yes side: We are old fashioned enough to want to know how things work, feel that simple, passive consumerism is not enough. And critically, we want to do something about it. That is where the luddism comes in. The modern world is structured so that if the current toy is unsatisfying, you are supposed to buy the new, improved model from Amazon as that will fulfil all your wants. How dare anyone feel that they know better and make it themselves?
On the no side: Let me ask you a question. Do you have a vfd, a dro, or a digital caliper anywhere in your shop? Now tell me that they are not high tech items with a straight face. I won't believe you, however straight the face. Do you have insert tools, or are thinking about them? Just how new are they? I'd doubt if they're as old an idea as a PC. And.. Well, look at this forum. It exists. Is the www the medium of the current revolution? Yes, and look, we're part of it right here, right now. So no, we're not luddites, just selective adopters, same as a 17yo. The difference being the 17yo tends to adopt new tech from a position of abject passivity and conformity.
Just my 2p's worth.