I enjoyed the most recent MEW – including the Arduino articles.
I've had an Arduino Uno for a while now but have also been playing with a Microchip PIC32 (USB Starter Kit). The PIC32 is a very powerful device and it can be programmed in 'C' using the IDE from Microchip (MPLAB X) or there is also Chipkit (MPIDE) which enables it to be programmed pretty much with the same code as (an Atmel based) Arduino – as used and described in the MEW articles. I do like Arduino btw….however…
I've recently (last week!) purchased another PIC32 based 'controller' system that I think many here would find just as easy as the Arduino (and maybe much more so) – I certainly have (even after just a few days). You can assume that I'm very impressed with it…
Micromite Plus is a 'controller' system developed in Australia by a guy called Geoff Graham. It is the latest in quite a long line of PIC32 based micro-computers and controllers developed by Geoff and published in Silicon Chip (an Australian hobby electronics mag). Geoff's Maximite & Micromite systems are much better known in the Antipodes than over here and understandably have a loyal following there. The good news is that there is now a UK based outlet for Micromite products and PCB/Kits, so hopefully they will become much better known here too. I should add that the software (in various forms) is freely downloadable, including the source code (and that I have no vested interest in this other than as a happy customer). The documentation is excellent (and also free to download too)
Why am I a "Fanboy"? (a term reserved for advocates of a particular technology or language I believe – and one that can probably also still be applied to an OAP?)
Well the Micromite is just so easy to use. I plugged my Explorer 64 board (via the USB) into my laptop and using a free terminal emulator programme (Tera Term) started editing and running programs straight away – just like with my Arduino Uno in fact… except that there is no "Edit, Compile, Run" cycle involved.
The high level language used is an interpreter, so at the command prompt > I can test/debug and write programs in "immediate" mode. The Editor runs directly on the PIC32 (a PC-based version is also available) and I can examine the I/O pins directly for instance. Of course no interpreter will ever run as fast as a compiler will…but the PIC32 is a miniature mainframe and even the slowest Micromite (a 28pin DIL package running at 48Mhz) can do 30,000 code lines a second. My 64 pin Explorer runs about 2-3 times faster (at 120Mhz) …quite fast enough for most things in practice. Did I mention the 100Kb of available programme space – or the comms protocols supported – which include I2C, Asynch Serial, RS232, IEEE 485, SPI and 1-Wire? It's an incredible piece of technology…and very affordable!
So what's the catch?
Well – that high level Interpreter is something called 'BASIC' (oh dear!!) and that one fact will (I suspect) be sufficient to immediately put off any "Professionals" reading this post. But to anyone else – if you want a simple route into embedded controllers – then this is an excellent way to do it. Micromite BASIC (MMB) is more than capable of writing clean, structured modern code (there are no Line Numbers, REMs or GOTOs required – unless you want them of course!). It is an updated version of Microsoft BASIC (and still largely backwards compatible if needed). It has also been designed to let you simply access the PIC32 's complex hardware peripherals, plus it supports a useful range of external devices (sensors, SD cards, LCD screens). Should you need other facilities, then the language is extensible. Suffice it to say – that MMB can deliver a very comprehensive and powerful embedded solution. Everything is all there at your fingertips (and no "include" files)
So, if you are new to this 'compute' game or returning after many years absence (as in my case) then have look at Geoff Grahams site. Highly recommended
A new (and elderly) PIC32/Micromite 'Fanboy'