I had noticed that the SDA and SCL pins were labelled on the board, but did not know whether they still needed to be referenced.
I have also been coming around to the idea of starting the basic RTC code again to get that working and then reintroducing the additional structure, stage by stage. I shall try this over the next few days. Thank you for the offer of looking at my coding, should I get nowhere. I appreciate this, but shall try to resolve it myself before taking up more of your time.
I had thought that I used a RTC library from Northern Widget on github, but I am no longer quite sure. What puzzles me further is that I went back to the place where I initial found the RTC code that I am using and there is no reference there to any RTC library. The trouble is that I did this bit of coding several months ago and have forgotten the detail. A good example of why I should have added more notes to the source in the code……..
Thank you for the RTC code. I shall copy this over and try it out to see whether I can then use this to get me going again.
Watch this space for an update in a day or two's time.
Edited By James Alford on 23/01/2018 07:08:50
Edited By James Alford on 23/01/2018 07:09:19
Edited By James Alford on 23/01/2018 07:10:02