Posted by Rod Ashton on 08/06/2020 10:20:02:
The sketch I am trying to compile is :- Sketch_april21a
Not what I expected! Sketch_april21a is an Arduino project, but not not one of nophead's! Can you send me a copy of the file by email and I'll have a look. (email address coming by PM).
I suspect the problem is confusion between the Arduino and Sanguino environments. The software you're interested in hasn't been updated for 6 or 7 years, and it's targetting a relatively unusual computer. The original Sanguino seems to be like an Arduino, but is more powerful, hence desirable for reprap. Looks as if Sanguino software was originally written & compiled conventionally and loaded with avrdude. As this is hard work, an add-on was developed by Kristian Sloth Lauszus allowing Sanguino code to be developed and loaded with the easy to use Arduino IDE. Easy to use if it works, that is!
Conventional code is written within the rules and constraints of full-blown C/C++. As this is hard for beginners to grasp and unnecessary for most simple micro-controller programs, Arduino hides the difficult stuff and instead insists the user work within a simple 2-function framework , ie setup() and loop() . All is well provided the two approaches aren't mixed up! Arduino programs choke on conventional code because it has an unwanted main() function and no setup() or loop(). The original Sanguino chokes on Arduino code because main() is missing, and it doesn't understand setup() and loop(). I'm guessing the difficulty is to do with Arduino drawing away from Sanguino so the environments don't line up properly. Our job is to line up all the ducks. Could be simple or difficult.