Posted by Andy Stopford on 08/08/2020 20:35:34:
Posted by Versaboss on 08/08/2020 14:39:05:
Posted by Andy Stopford on 07/08/2020 20:53:10:
Lastly, do yourself a favour and ditch the Arduino IDE – there are much better, easier to use alternatives, with full code completion, hints, colour coding, etc.
I use PlatformIO; it's available as a code editor plugin. I like the Atom editor, but you can use it with VSCode, and, possibly, others.
Hi Andy,
as a sometimes Arduino user I'm always interested in such stuff. However, all is not so easy. I managed to install the Atom editor, and then tried in vain to cooperate it with PlatformIO. What I now have, if I start Atom, is a black screen with a menu bar. There is also a menu point for PlatformIO. But after say a minute I get the message 'editor isnot responding.
I deleted Atom and re-installed it, with the same result.
And btw, IF that system would work, how could one compile the code and load it up into an Arduino? Copy/Paste to the Arduino IDE?
Hi Hans,
It looks like there might be a problem with the latest version of Atom (always a possibility with actively developed Open Source stuff), see this thread:
As suggested in the 3rd to last post there, it might be better to use the VS Code version, which being a Microsoft product, is likely to be more reliable than Atom. I shall have to look into that.
Anyway, in either case, it will compile and upload your code in the same way as the Arduino IDE, and it has a Serial window which you can read, interact with, etc if required, again like the Arduino one.
Like Hans I've tried PlatformIO and run into the same problem. Not easy to set up is it? The advantage appears to be support of multiple Frameworks and Boards from a common IDE, but it's a steep learning curve particularly when installation fouls up.
I went through the list of supported editors looking for one I liked. Unfortunately none of my favourites are there apart from vim, not my first choice for an IDE. Anyway atom is respectable, and it would make installing PlatformIO easy – except it's broken. Tried a couple of other editors but they lack the IDE integration offered by atom, and presumably vscode. As linux is my preferred platform I'm not keen to add a Microsoft editor! Or to learn Eclipse, Netbeans or one of the other big alternatives. The Platform.IO CLI works in so far as I've tested it, but it's not a beginner tool,
The Arduino editor may not be the most advanced, but it works and is straightforward to learn. The IDE is workmanlike rather than spectacular but it organises boards and libraries in a fairly obvious way and makes uploading easy too. For most simple purposes it's fine.
I'm not finding PlatformIO's documentation easy to penetrate. For example, what happens if I want to program a Nucleo? The documentation mentions a 'Bare Metal Proflle', a subset of the OS6 RTOS. I guess from the outline of JSON configuration details that full mbed can be set up and configured but I'm finding it hard work compared with both Arduino IDE and MStudio. Not clear how much is built-in and how much has to be configured.
I've not spotted a 'must have' reason to change so far. Not given up yet – I'll try vscode tomorrow. Advantages may appear when I get to compiling and uploading. For example my current project runs on both Arduino and Nucleo, with the Nucleo version based on a copy. Be nice to write and manage both as a single project, but I don't imagine many beginners are into that kind of code management.