Hi folks
I am building a WW1 Baldwin Gas Mechanical in 7 1/4" gauge as mentioned elsewhere on the forum. I want to make it fly by wire using an Arduino and servos to control the Eaton Hydrostat and the engine revs. The code wasn't much of a problem and worked within a week of starting from having never seen an Arduino.
However, a friend said, "What if it crashes?" Well you turn the ignition off, I had been more concerned about making it go! What you need is a 555 watchdog timer. A what?
The idea is that a capacitor charges through a resistor, but never reaches the 2/3 rail voltage required to trigger the 555, as a discharge "heartbeat" comes from the living Arduino to drop it back down every 500 milliseconds or so. If the pulse stops, the 555 grounds the reset pin of the Arduino and discharges the timing capacitor to 1/3 rail through another resistor. Thus the grounding pull down time is adjustable and predictable.
Well I found a circuit which didn't work immediately, so I bought a DSO and found the capacitor was unable to charge sufficiently through the resistor specified. I reduced this and watched what happed – going down from 1M to 47k Ohms gave the desired result. I now have the working circuit which trips if the pulse is removed. It will not reset the Arduino though.
I wondered if the grounding period was insufficiently long and performed experiments with a push to make micro switch and the 'scope. The 555 was giving 50 odd milliseconds and not resetting the Arduino, but the switch would do it in less than 4 milliseconds. That wasn't the problem.
I have tried a PNP transistor in the circuit to control the grounding and also a miniature relay due to the success of the switch. Nothing has worked. I have also had a play about with an op amp, but didn't have a proper power supply to drive it. That has been a failure so far, although I have had it following an input in a separate rig.
My mother has dementia and is always harassing me, so I haven't been in the right frame of mind to be pushing back the boundaries of my electronic ignorance recently.
I now have a nice bench power supply and a signal generator to go with the 'scope, but peaceful contemplation is a rarity these days.
I am probably doing something really stupid, but I'm a complete novice in this area.
It is also worth noting that I got the internal watchdog to work on a test setup, but as I have spent so much on gear for this it would be nice to have both levels of reset.
Any ideas would be gratefully received.