ARC is a tool merchant
Vevor is a ‘box shifter’
… That may be all you need to know, depending on how you account for risk.
I should have saved myself £10 and bought from Vevor – the Arc vice I received yesterday is very disappointing. I also don’t see any difference in finish or construction at all apart from the chromed handle. Even the box is marked with the Vevor description.
People here seem to hold Arc In high regard, but my first order with them gives me a different opinion.
The vice I got had the following problems right out of the box:
1. Significant lateral misalignment of the jaws and poor corner on the fixed jaw.
2. Both screws on moving jaw rattling loose, but not the reason for misalignment.
3. Fixed jaw 0.07mm higher on the right hand side.
4. Right hand screw of fixed jaw very loose.
5. Grey abrasive paste present.
6. Feed screw has area of resistance on each rotation, suggesting bent screw.
7. Burrs on T-bolt faces preventing even seating.
I spent a good deal of time trying to get the jaws aligned but without complete success. The fixed jaw rises on the RHS when the retaining screw is tightened and its impossible to tap down. It appears to me that the jaws were ground with the screw loose and this is how it left the factory.
I need to further investigate the feed screw to determine what’s going on.
I fully realize that this is a low-cost item, but it doesn’t appear to have any quality control either from the manufacturer or supplier. Its a box-shift either way. Others seem to have received much better examples and the videos of people measuring up Vevor vices don’t show the same problems.