I wondered if the vice was one of these?
Adam Savage mis-adjusted one whilst demonstrating his new PM728V mill, so it clamped with the moving face tilted and came loose. I think it’s in this Youtube Video.
The PM728V is an interesting machine. Although it’s much the same design as that family of small mills of which my WM18 is a member, the PM728V is made to a notch above usual standard and costs significantly more. Adam claims his has a 0.0002″ run-out. Made in Taiwan, and doesn’t appear to be available in the UK.
Adam Savage’s workshop videos are informative, but don’t expect to see best practice! Although he has good tools and a rock-solid track record making models and much larger film-props, Adam shows many signs of being self-taught, albeit in a professional environment. Pleased to say his production values are honest – he leaves mistakes in, and often discusses them.