I went on Friday & was disappointed that ArcEuro & Chronos were not there as I was particularly looking to get some items from both traders that I had earmarked in my little notebook, always nice to 'see before you buy', did manage to get stuff from RDG (also earmarked) but still missed both of the above. Apart from Warco, Chester, & RDG (usual disclaimer) there were the usual gamut of smaller dealers for those wanting to 'browse through' stuff so there was enough to satisfy the most picky.
The finance director (SWMBO) accompanied me & again commented on the amount of backpacking,corderoy/jean, fleece garbed 'oldies' wandering around with glazed looks on their faces, myself included I might add, much akin to anoracked train spotters, commenting with 'ooohs & ahhhs' on this & that, albeit said with a grin on her face & then promptly hotfooted it back into Harrogate..for a little bit 'shopping' .
The exhibition on the whole was as expected, a lot of superb models, my favourites being the scale model 1923 Bentley front end.. along with the superb paddlewheel yacht 'Samantha' ..exceptional work guys! puts my meager attempts to shame, still have to make my '1st project' yet.
All in all a good day out.
Edited By mechman48 on 12/05/2013 22:07:18