Though I’m a big fan, QCAD’s probably not best for Ian P because he’s already familiar with AutoCAD, which has its own way of doing things!
Years ago when I had to draw computer room layouts, I upgraded to AutoCAD and found it counter-intuitive, complicated, and stacked with features I didn’t need. Hard to learn, partly because it was very different from the software I was already using. “Over the Top” for what I needed, so I dumped it.
For most 2D work, not involving spiral staircases and the like, QCAD is simpler and more straightforward, hence easier than AutoCAD for beginners to learn. I highly recommend QCAD to beginners looking for a 2D technical drawing tool that basically automates traditional 2D drawing methods.
IanP isn’t a beginner! Though I’d bet the farm QCAD does all he needs, Ian would have to learn how to drive it, and that’s likely to cause unlearning problems. His brain, thoroughly accustomed to AutoCAD, will try and drive QCAD as if it were AutoCAD, causing horrible problems. Unfortunately learning QCAD requires Ian to unlearn AutoCAD, and unlearning is often seriously difficult, especially for us old chaps! How difficult depends on the individual; some cope easily, others fail spectacularly.
In Ian’s place I’d be looking for AutoCAD or a clone simply to avoid having to learn anything new. Nothing wrong with AutoCAD if you already understand it.