Ian P
0.4ft3/hr would be nothing i'm talking 4 ft3/min
these machines are massive 30-40 tons running maybe 10 compressors (lp)
and one HP compressor maybe with a 50-100 litre tank
I know it seems strange to say that you cant hear the leaks but you cant…. taking panels off to look with a spray just takes too long
heres the layout of a typical press
![img187.jpg img187.jpg]()
the air supply pipes genrally run at ground level down each side of the machine
So if I place my meter at A I can then isolate at E,D,C,B on each side and look at the meter to see which unit is leaking most before stripping down further
then further on each set of pipes coming from the manifold maybe 30 pairs
there may be 30 actuators in each unit
Some presses you can spend 3 hours removing just one side panel and then similalr putting back together
For anyone who knows these are KBA's or man rolands
heidelburgs are a bit simpler