It is a superb model made in the 1930's of a steam driven workshop. It was on display in a museum or some sort of institution to show health and safety aspects, ie no guards on belts etc.
When it was no longer needed it was given to the gentleman who took it on Antiques Roadshow.
I was very lucky to get the opportunity to examine it personally about a year ago when he displayed it at our annual Bradford MES exhibition.
These photo's are from our club website, I don't know who actually took them.
I was even luckier to win that big trophy in the background for my part finished flywheel for the Pollit & Wigzell Corliss mill engine I am building called "Agnes"
(PLUG) If you live anywhere in the West Yorkshire area you could do a lot worse than joining our club, we have a very diverse range of interests
Edited By Phil P on 29/03/2016 12:19:02
Edited By Phil P on 29/03/2016 12:24:18