Another way to enjoy your hobby


Another way to enjoy your hobby

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  • #127326

      I agree absolutely with NJH and most others.

      I am long retired and I don't have time, or I don't want to use the time, for more than a quick evening visit to about 6 forums.

      There seems to be a nation-wide obsessional need for re-assurance by contacting other people over the most trivial things, as though we have unlimited time.

      Newspapers must be desperate for readers because they invite them to write in or email to tell us their opinions. We are invited to 'like'.

      Where are we going?

      Perhaps the layout of this forum could be improved but it is good enough for me.

      John Stevenson 1

        Still think the kippers and black pudding is well worth following up………………

        Brian in OZ


          As has already been said, how about getting the site working before trying to change it yet again. It always seems to be "year zero" with this site and also the old 80/20 rule ie 80% of the MHW people know nothing and 20% know something but finding those 20% is always the problem.

          When is the

          Latest Model Engineers' Workshop

          going to be updated on the front page ??? almost the end of August and July issue still showing !!.

          OH!! and when the "person" upgraded the hardware on the 8/9th August do you think he/she should have gotten around to removing the upgrade message or are we going to have to look at it for another couple of months.

          You seem to have (temporarily ??) gotten the PocketMags function working for at least ME and MEW but it doesn't work for other mags that I subscribe with MHW for !!

          That's all I can think of right now, as someone has said "bah humbug" to FB, Twitter and whatever else just give us a functional website.

          AH!! just thought of another one….When you attempt a "global" search of the site for a subject, you are only actually searching in post headings, bit useless.

          Sorry if this is your new job Patrick, think you may have been sold something that "fell off the back of a truck" as ideas go.



          Edited By Brian in OZ on 20/08/2013 00:51:15



            I think you have been given the proverbial poisened chalice, and If my comments are also posted onto one of these brain dead places like twitter you will not see me just dust. Have you ever done any ME work I ask… How long have you worked for this company and what did you do to upset them as to give you this post. my commiserations. We used to do it in RR to some people.
            Now down to business;
            If you are tasked to sort this site out please do so.
            If you are tasked to get us all to use the kids sites well as the man said "NUFF SAID"
            The bulk of us on this forum have no interest in these children’s sites, we use it to exchange ideas, problems and general ME information.
            Good luck in your new post


              (I have no idea why the number of posts doesn't come up under my name. I'll find out)

              As we all say sort out this site first.

              Who wrote your opening announcement sounds like one of your PR people gone mad.

              Patrick Astill

                Thanks again for your responses.

                I think some of you have hit the nail on the head:

                It's an ageing interest group and as such we need to get more people interested rather than shutting them out. As a business we're looking for ways to do that, and this is one of the ways – as is updating the website.

                Springbok: One of our PR people? Yes, there are banks of us here tap-tapping away on press releases!


                jason udall

                  One thought.
                  I for one have noticed if I search on say ” left handed widget part no. 1232″ the only or at least first place that Google offers is here. ..that is what lead me to join this group.
                  Thus the main appeal of this fora is the non private nature of our postings here.
                  I would in no way wish any connection between an open bbs (having said that the appeal here is that openness) and what I might do /discuss on Facebook.
                  I have seen trendy new websites for clubs using ..which have logins to view some of the content..and what a mess that was…events diary for example. .some events visible if not logged in some only if logged in but not always clear which is which ( “oh I didn’t see that notice” ).
                  If this fora gets connected to FB then I for one would have to either create another FB persona or decline

                  jason udall


                    John McNamara

                      Hello Patrick

                      I believe you may find fertile ground if you embrace The users of Men's Shed's, this is a world wide movement, there must be thousands by now in every country. A men's shed is a community workshop set up with tools for the free use of the local community. (When an new member joins a group they, must prove their competency with tools and machinery before they can us it. some members choose to be supervisors to do this work) the type of equipment available varies between sheds. Wood, metal, or other depending on the shed.

                      The name "men's shed" is unfortunate. Women do get involved, maybe one day it will be changed, it should be. Community workshop is more appropriate. unfortunately different countries use different names.

                      Another fertile patch Is the so called "Hackerspace", at least it is not gender specific. And no I am not referring to smoke filled dimly lit rooms with piles of take away wrappers and empty coke cans in the corners, with overweight ghostly complexioned computer nerds trying to crack the CIA head mainframe!

                      These Hackers tend to be a well spread mix of young (from late teens) to seniors, often but not always educated, electromechanical inventors, quite a number are women, User built 3D printers were nurtured and are now continuously being improved by this movement. CNC routers, robotics, electronics and hundreds of other gadgets have been developed also.

                      The hackerspaces sadly need more access to practical engineering knowledge, and metalworking equipment. I see a great opportunity for a symbiotic relationship to form between the the Engineers that form the readership of MEW and ME and Men's sheds groups and the hackerspace groups, each has something unique to offer.

                      And there must be other movements I have not though of? Come on forum any Ideas?.

                      So there you are Patrick, work out a way to directly contact these people, It will be a lot more rewarding than Tweeting……


                      Russell Eberhardt
                        Posted by John Stevenson on 20/08/2013 00:40:50:

                        Still think the kippers and black pudding is well worth following up………………

                        Mmm. Would make a nice change from coffe and croissants.



                          No no no!

                          A mixture of jumbo oats, muesli, corn flakes, coffee creamer, sugar, salt, hot water, bung into the microwave for exactly one minute, no longer, then consume whilst listening to Radio 4.

                          Geoff – A cup of freshly ground coffe afterwards.

                          Edited By OuBallie on 20/08/2013 10:02:11

                          Edited By OuBallie on 20/08/2013 10:04:44

                          Russell Eberhardt
                            Posted by Patrick Astill on 20/08/2013 08:21:23:

                            It's an ageing interest group and as such we need to get more people interested rather than shutting them out.

                            That's absolutely right. The hobby needs new recruits as does your business but I don't see how not going on Mugbook and Twaddle shuts anyone out. If, however unlikely, it does attract new readers they are likely to be those with the attention span of a knat.

                            What you (we?) need to do is come up with a way to attract new recruits who are likely to be hands on and remain in the hobby at least long enough to complete a simple project. Many clubs hold open days which are very popular with youngsters. How about things like school visits with demonstrations? Free copies of the magazines for the school library?

                            Yes these "Men's Sheds" and "Hackerspaces" are a great idea and I'm sure there are many more ideas out there.



                              Unlike Maggie T I am for turning. I have changed my mind since this thread started.

                              I still don't want to participate in these social media but do recognise the part they play in those with still developing brains as well as those who have none. It probably would be beneficial to them to be able to 'like' some form of ME site and declare their interest in the hobby.
                              Perhaps we could influence and 'seed' it in some way. Everyone with a nubile female relation should persuade them to put in a few comments like "My favourite uncle is a model engineer and I love visiting him to see what he's up to ." "Model Engineeering is so kewl" etc to make it socially acceptable for young lads to admit to an interest.

                              Mens Sheds seem to be uniquely antipodean, MakerSpaces of various sorts exist in the USA, but HSE and insurance make them impossible in the UK. Anyway there are about 10 times the density of ME clubs here instead.

                              Russell Eberhardt
                                Posted by Bazyle on 20/08/2013 10:03:35:MakerSpaces of various sorts exist in the USA, but HSE and insurance make them impossible in the UK.


                                See **LINK**



                                  I spent the last 3 days (Fri, Sat and Sun) getting kids and adults trying to use a lathe, everyone loved it when they seen metal flying off, even the mums and dads had a go all enjoyed so will twitsville et all; give that hands on to them. (This was at the Bristol BSMEE Thornbury exhibition)

                                  ME and ME Workshop people were conspicuose for there absence maybe they were all playing on Twitsville…
                                  Sorry but this idea is a no brainer.



                                    Springbok: One of our PR people? Yes, there are banks of us here tap-tapping away on press releases!

                                    That answers it all



                                      Had Kippers (2) plus bread with lashings of butter and coffee.

                                      Another way to enjoy your hobby!!!
                                      What the H*** has that got to do with ME…
                                      The only twitter I get is from all my hens when I go up at about 6.00 and feed them

                                      Edited By Springbok on 20/08/2013 12:27:37

                                      John Stevenson 1
                                        Posted by Springbok on 20/08/2013 10:28:24:

                                        Springbok: One of our PR people? Yes, there are banks of us here tap-tapping away on press releases!

                                        That answers it all


                                        I think that was a tongue in cheek reply wink


                                          ….. or maybe Foot in Mouth John? wink

                                          Seriously though why are folk surprised that ME is an "an ageing interest group"? It requires a lot of time and needs considerable cash investment. For most of us time and cash are in short supply until we are got a bit older. I've always found that MEs are welcoming and helpful to youngsters and , although younger folk may be interested, when you are young there ARE MORE interesting things to do than spending time in the workshop ( as I vaguely remember) !



                                            Good Luck Patrick,

                                            I spent most of my working life in IT, so I'm not exactly a Luddite where it's concerned.

                                            But I have no interest at all in Facebook or Twitter – in fact I try to avoid these 'Social' sites like the plague. I do like Forums though, I guess there is some kind of subtle difference but I've not analysed it deeply. Something to do with getting useful information back (as opposed to useless drivel) I suspect.

                                            So whilst I'm sure you would like to atttract a younger audience to Model Engineering, I doubt that this is a good route to their attentions and I'm pretty sure that it won't appeal that much to many of your existing (cough) "ageing&quot customers either.



                                            jason udall

                                              Just thought will the archive of back issues be available via facebook?

                                              jason udall

                                                Just had a thought (yes two in one day) how is the contributers Intellectual Property handled on face book etc.?


                                                  I don't know, looking at some of the tweets from ME whoever is doing them may attract a few more like minded five year olds as thats what they look to have been written by:

                                                  "Postmans bought me something nice this morning"

                                                  "Postman's been! Look – he bought my latest ME magazine"


                                                  "My new Model Engineer Magazine arrived today!"

                                                  Why not "latest issue available in the shops now" or "Latest subscription issue mailed"

                                                  Are we allowed to know if whoever is posting these tweets has any actual ME knowledge or are they just a MTM employee who spends their whole day tweeting about all the publications.


                                                  Patrick Astill

                                                    Hi JasonB – good to see you're getting bitten by the bug and venturing onto twitter.

                                                    You missed some of the updates with your edited version, of course.

                                                    They can be quite informative and with links to news articles (not just our own), events around the UK – or this website.

                                                    VOLUNTEERS from the The North Wilts Model Engineering Society miniature railway at Coate Water recently held a…

                                                    If you or your club are organsing a special event this summer, why not publicise it on our events page? This…

                                                    A day out? Remember: tickets for the 2013 Model Engineer show are on sale via Myhobbystore

                                                    Get involved – contribute to our library of machine tool manuals and help an engineer who's bought second-hand…

                                                    Model Engineer has news of the St Albans and District Model Engineering Society annual exhibition being held on…

                                                    I posted 6 photos on Facebook in the album "Highlights from the Club News pages"

                                                    My new Model Engineer magazine arrived today! Have you got yours yet? on sale at the newsagents from this…

                                                    Remembering the Great Train Robbery and those who were affected by it 50 years ago today.

                                                    Rail fan? This new publication celebrates every British railways diesel class locomotive issued with a TOPs…

                                                    Great news! A new 127-metre model railway on Llandudno's West Shore, run by the North Wales Model Engineering…


                                                      SO as a moderator why have you not posted this lot here or are the kids going to be interested in "the great train robbery" a Mr Biggs. Do you remember him maybe you were still at school at the time.
                                                      I want an assurance that any answers of help I give will not be automatically posted onto one of these idiot sites. And I am sure all members feel the same.


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