The 6 inch mounting plate is 0.8” thick and has 1 central 6mm reamed hole ½” deep (so a dowel wont fall right through) and 42 M6 tapped holes, 2 groups of 12 on 2 different PCD’s, the inner ring of which matches the Pratt Burnerd chuck mounting. The remaining holes are in a grid pattern. The 3 chuck location blocks were doweled in place and the chuck location register diameter machined in situ. This does not necessarily provide centre precision but does provide repeatability for relocating the chuck assuming the adaptor plate has not been removed. Centre accuracy measured at the chuck mounted 5/8" dowel pin was .0002” total indicated runout.
A few examples of the work for my Bolton Marine triple are included. The rotary table together with the DRO fitted to my Tom Senior E type mill (see other album) helps me be both precise and confident enough not to have to mark one part from another. As for speed, a few seconds for an index and your back to drilling another hole.
Profiling and stub drilling centres on the High pressure lower cylinder cover

Low and Intermediate cylinder casting, note the cylinder bleed holes which are angled that exit 3/64" from the cylinder face.

Lower cylinder covers and tooling sleeves to prvent damage to the LG2 bronze

7BA (overlength) test studs fitted

Tapping High Pressure cylinder stud holes 7 BA