Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 03/09/2022 11:02:13:
It's clarification of the 'electrons mixed up in the grid bit'.
In a DC system, does an electron actually travel all the way around the circuit? Wikipedia suggests not: The drift velocity in a 2 mm diameter copper wire in 1 ampere current is approximately 8 cm per hour. AC voltages cause no net movement; the electrons oscillate back and forth in response to the alternating electric field (over a distance of a few micrometers)
Given electrons don't move very far, how do they transfer energy?
Is energy transferred in the same way in both DC and AC systems? (AC has waves, DC doesn't).
And how do they do they transfer energy in a way that allows multiple sources and sinks to be connected to the same media without interference?
I promise to try and understand Entropy as recommended by Michael, but all previous attempts ended badly!
Hi Dave. This is inevitably a bit hand-waving, but I hope it will answer some of your questions to some extent.
Let's start with "given electrons don't travel very far…". They don't need to.
DC case: You shove electrons in (slowly) at one end of the wire, they push the electrons which were 'sitting' there along (slowly), they push the next ones along and so one until the electrons at the other end get shoved and can be made to do work. Although the electrons are individually moving slowly, the 'shove effect' moves much faster – at something approaching the speed of light. An electron injected at the generator end may or may not make its way round the circuit back to the generator, but it doesn't need to in order to transfer energy to the 'work'. A physical example of this sort of thing is given by a Newton's cradle – energy is transmitted at the speed of sound from one end of the cradle to the other by a compression wave without the particles in the intermediate balls moving very far from their equilibrium positions at all.
AC case: It's not much different at this level. The electrons are just pushed and pulled in and out of wire at the generator end, and the effect propagates as a wave down the wire to the work end. Because the drift velocity is zero averaged over an AC cycle no electron makes its way around the circuit except by diffusion. The electrons at the other end are forced to jiggle back and forth and can be made to do work.
Does that help? Apologies if I've misunderstood your questions.
I don't know anything about the practicalities of energy distribution so can't comment on that.
This has now strayed a long way from my opening post, but it's all been interesting to me at least. I am now decided firmly against a smart meter and given that it looks like I'm going to be paying about 65p per kWh for electricity after 1st Oct I'll probably switch to a supplier bound by the price cap.
Edited By Robin Graham on 03/09/2022 23:18:26