To briefly introduce myself, I’m hobbyist whose metal work interests are mainly related to motorcycles. My tiny workshop is crammed with many machine tools, including the lathe that is the cause of this request for help.
I have recently added roller bearings to the headstock and wanted to test the running of the drive belt so plugged it in but on turning the machine on there was a flash and a pop and that was that. On closer inspection inside the control box it was found that a large rectangular component marked 120V had the back blown off. I don’t know what this component is, my knowledge of electronics having stalled at the battery and bulb stage.
I hadn’t touched the electronics at all, merely unscrewed the control box and moved it to one side, leaving everything connected apart from the two earth wires going to the headstock, which I had reconnected.
I’m wondering if I could replace blown component (assuming I can identify it and find one) or is it likely that a whole lot of other stuff is gone. I’m also concerned to find out what’s caused the problem – if I end up spending a fail amount of cash on a new circuit board I don’t want to ruin it as well.
With thanks, Philip C
PS If I can figure out how, I’ll post a pic