Earthing is important whenever an appliance has a metal case because a live wire fraying or coming loose inside can electrify the outside of the unit. Very dangerous because metal cases provide a large contact area that greatly increases the current flow into the victim. Much worse than touching the end of a 2.5mm diameter wire.
An insulated case removes most of the risk, but care has to be taken to keep fingers out and to make certain control shafts, fixing screws and metal handles can't become live. Depending on the design, and earth might not be necessary.
Since plastics, many appliances come enclosed inside a fully insulated box. The risk of shock from these is minimal, and there's nothing users can touch that can to be earthed. The internal design also reduces the hazard in various ways. Earthing these does nothing useful.
Earths remain vital on metal appliances, but I suspect the majority of house appliances these days don't need or have one.
Signal and safety earth requirements are so different as to be almost two different subjects! I think it's safe to assume Pioneer understood both.