Nigel B. I guess we all have different experiences – and I think I perhaps used the term 'paying public' in error. I was a bit concerned to read:
Getting access to data (loss of privacy) with widepread adoption was Google's aim all along !
Its obvious you are right, as the behaviour of Google has shown, but do you have no concerns about that? – this alone would be enough to stop me using any Google product (which is the case for me, unless by accident).
I made my comments after trying to work with Android for some time – as an ex-programmer, I really became fed up with the foibles of Android, given the power of the modern phones Android runs on. I have also made the comparison between a very early (usable) Android, and the version that was on my Xiaomi, which eventually made me dump it. I really believe that it could be made much simpler and easier, but I also believe that the industrial and technical power of Google has forced Android to the forefront. Perhaps a little like the way Bill Gates modified CPM then managed to get IBM to use it in the early PCs. In general, there is no alternative, so people tolerate it because they don't know of alternatives.
I think this leads in to your comment about frustrations with various versions of Windows. I think this is quite a common complaint, and I for one could never understand why people paid (until recently) for a product which has long been defective (tell me all the security updates and patches that MS has pushed out over the years are not defects!).
Although there are many alternatives to Windows, probably the main one is Linux. I came to Linux years ago as an ex-Unix user, and I agree totally that Linux in its early years seemed to be intended strictly for a narrow circle of experienced users – it certainly wasn't easy even to install. But that has changed – I would say the major Linux distros are not difficult to install. (A recent attempt at Windows 10 took me several hours, and wasn't entirely successful, on a new machine, but a Linux Mint or Ubuntu install usually takes less than an hour.
Linux isn't flawless – its a developing tool (and now unfortunately Big Tech is getting its claws into it, so it will be monetised and crippled, IMO), so sometime things go wrong. That said, there is a huge community online which will help. As a Linux user, it seems to me that most people, once converted to Linux, stay with it. There are several threads in this forum dealing with 'Windows Problems', but I can't find many dealing with Linux Problems. Maybe you should give it another try, and report your experiences on this forum, and maybe this can be laid to rest – I for one would like to know what difficulties you have – then perhaps there will be another tool people can use. You do say you have 'limited' experience with it. As for me, using Windows these days is a crippling experience, and I don't have that much time these days to waste.
BTW, I agree with what you say about Xiaomi's expansion, and the sheer number of things they now seem to make – as I said before, my problem is not the hardware, its Android.