anadale 210v-g lathe


anadale 210v-g lathe

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  • #41203
    gordon brian davies

      varible speed

      gordon brian davies

        hi, there everyone im new to this hobby which i enjoy experimenting trying to

        make things on my lathe, i have a anadale 210-g varible speed lathe,the varible

        speed does not run at constant speed when set, any one come akros the same

        problem? im down in carmarthenshire thanks


          Hi, Do you mean an Amadeal 210V lathe?

          Is the problem that the speed varies as you start to cut, or does it just run erratically, even with no load?

          If the latter, I would look first for sticking or worn brushes in the motor, and if there wasn't a problem there, it could be a worn control potentiometer (they're not good quality and do fail).

          Pete Cordell

            I would give the potentiometer speed controler a clean with some switch cleaner

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