I'm bleary eyed having had a java day and a half. There are some decent java tutorials on youtube. The BlueJ ones can help with terminology but largely seem to be aimed at people buying a £70 book that gets updated now and again.
There are a whole series by thus person
That one
is learn Java in 30min. Good luck but though they are rather rapid the series of 20 odd is worth a look. He explains a number of things very clearly, unlike BlueJ. The last few video's go through gui's with swing.
So to give it a go I downloaded and installed Eclipse. It works but the part that interested me the window builder just caused it to miss behave. Looking on the web there were indications that it hasn't worked on Linux for years and doesn't get fixed as all dev's are on windows. I saw mention of the evil Google. Not sure why.
So downloaded Netbeans choosing the one that includes "everything". Turns out that there are other bits and pieces too. Doubt if I will use it but installed a Python bolt on. In this respect it's an IDE and can cope with lots of languages.
Looking around in it a Swing application seems to be the only one that allows easy graphical front ends visually so I followed the example given. While doing this there is an icon which fires up the window so that it can be tried. It generates code with todo's after all of the signals. Nice because it can just be written and OO aspects added gradually if needed. I found that rather than leaving things as button1 to n and text field 1 to n etc the names can be changed to what they do and that then appears in the code. No mention in the tutorial.
However when I hit run it doesn't pop up. It also produces a distribution as a jar. That wont run either and generated a 52 error which I think means that the java it's running in is older than the one used in the IDE. So I set the build platform option to a Linux distribution one which includes icedtea rather than the usual java runtime. Error went but still doesn't pop up. There is another one for me to try as well. I've never had much luck updating Java to a linux version directly from Sun.
Swing seems to need an extension library maybe even at runtime. Seems odd to me that people will generate gui's hard wired in pure code but I don't know what java app development means in practice. I'd see writing all of the code to implement and position a button etc as being a job for lunatics due to them actually trying to do it. There are form designers out there but the ones I found, free of course don't seem to easily allow modification on the fly.
I have tried to use QT in the past. Think it was V3 and Nokia was still involved. The doc's were not anything like up to date even to the extent of correct syntax. I was trying to take advantage of the fact that the cifs network protocol was initially intended to allow diskless workstations to function to allow me to work freely on disks in a NAS. The idea was to produce and icon, click on it, get asked for the password and then open a folder view of the disk and being able to run apps from it and read and write locally or on the NAS. It did have enough facilities to do this but just wouldn't work, syntax or maybe bugs. The upstream Linux people had crippled cifs to prevent apps from being run over it but there were sufficient comments in the source file to allow it to function as it always had. I had to bug report it 3 times before they changed the source files. I'm not sure what platforms QT will run on or if there is enough info about to allow it to be used. From rumours about KDE5 QT5 may turn out to be a virtual machine just like java is. QT was intended in part for prototyping. It had a C++ interface so that run time could be speeded up in places if needed. Lots were using it directly and not bothering with C++ at all.
Edited By Ajohnw on 11/06/2016 13:01:43