Hi, back in the 70’s when Hi-Fi was really becoming popular, and a lot of systems were boosting this and that, which promised you much purer sound etc. I had a listen to a number of demonstrations, and while some of them sound worse than the amp and speaker systems that i built myself, non of them sounded really any better than mine, and my speaker leads were TV coax at that time, I even had a listen to a cousin of mine, whose wife’s father had a very expensive all singing and dancing Hi-Fi, which didn’t sound any better than what I had. The speaker leads I have now, I made up myself, using good quality speaker cable from Maplin Electronics. I believe the main thing to remember, is that our hearing has some subtle difference to everyone else, just the same as we don’t see colours in exactly the same way as everyone else, which is some of the things that make us all unique. I do think the most important thing though, is the quality of the speaker system itself, which includes the the speaker units, the baffle board and the cabinets that suite both the speaker units and their type of use. Of course you do need a good quality sound unit to drive them, but the environment they are used in, will also make a difference.
Regards Nick.