Well, after a dose of looking at it I’ve managed to cut it.
I clamped the extrusion to an immovable object (my mill), clamped on a fence and set the saw to the smallest depth it would go.
This was after 2 passes

Wasnt that bad as it happens. Noisy as hell (had ear defenders and full face visor on).
The stagger on the teeth appears to have pushed the blade left and right hugely, the kerf was 1/4” wide!
Did the cut in about 5 or 6 small doc passes.
The blade wasn’t big enough to go right through, so flipped and chain drilled the other side. Probably should have thought of that earlier, but I think the saw was faster.

Now I “just” need to cleanup the ends and bring to size, but at least it’s now within the size I can clamp to the mill and machine.