It's worth using as a price-guide first anyway , rather than generalists like E-bay.
I'm preparing an inventory and have bequeathed all except the models to my two clubs for their benefit – as the models are potentially the most valuable financially I want the family to benefit from them though would expect the clubs to handle their sales.
Not all clubs are stingy, thank you! We have had bereavement sales in my own club, organised by one or two members who liaise with the families and who make it clear they expect sensible offers. I think the models have tended to go for auction or other sale by specialists like Station Road Steam. (Anecdotally, household auctioneers can be out of their depth, listing all models irrespective of nature as "Models and Toys", which might devalue them.) The last few bits and pieces left over – random pieces of metal, small tools, thing that look useful – are usually then bundled up and brought to the club, along with a donations tin.
The hardest items to sell may be the machine-tools by their weight and bulk. If private ads on a forum like this, the magazines or don't bear fruit then you might have no choice but to use one of the workshop-clearance firms who advertise in ME & MEW, and accept being paid little for the plant. Maybe even less by collection distance.
One point about using a society in your own will, is to be prepared for the possibility, however remote, of the club itself no longer existing by your own time. I have given association-addresses as a precaution, and for my other hobbies, as well as model-engineering.