If you are real newbie to machine work, it may pay to read some books to explain things.
A set of Zeus charts will often be used for reference.
For lathework, L H Spaey's "The Amateurs lathe", Ian Bradley's "The Amateurs Workshop" (deals with other workshop techniques ) then there.are books by Harold Hall and Neil Wyatt on "Lathework".
If the small Clark lathe is a mini lathe, both Neil Wyatt and David Clark (No connection to Machine Mart as far as I know) have written books on it
As an aside, you will get far more help and advice from Arc Euro Trade than Machine Mart. The difference is knowledge of the the machines and their accessories.
Harold hall has also written a book on Milling, and the Workshop Practice Series will cover similar ground and MANY other aspects of machining and benchwork.
When you find a need for a four jaw chuck, measuring instruments, and other accessories, look at the established Model Engineering Suppliers. They are more likely to stock what you want, and will know what they are taliking about to guide you in the right direction.