Hi All,
Very many thanks for your responses and kind help. Thanks to Steambuff for the solution. I just renamed the file by adding ".pdf" to it and it now opens with Foxit Reader. I'm running Win 7.
Just to correct an error the price on Mintronics website is £11.99. I accessed their website ( Click on Home page / Alibre Atom 3D / Overview / Scroll down untill you find Alibre Atom3D tutorials (Digital download) . As you go thro the purchase process you get the chance to enter your discount code which you may have received by email. This makes it free of charge, and then complete the purchase process.
This tutorial is the reprint of the the articles in MEW but the images are larger and adjacent to the relevent text. It is not the one which features a universal joint on a base plate.
Really appreciate your help. Best regards. Nick