Jason –
I don't design and make nuts. I buy 'em! My model-engineering is nowhere near the Ron Jarvis / Cherry Hill / Doug Hewson level!
Besides my wagon is accumulating a mixture of BSW, BSF, BA and ISO-M fastenings.
'Revolved Cut'? Don't talk to me about 'Revolved Cuts'……
I started on that scribing-block (the ex-MEW series one) having loaded the tutorial using it.
First thing, I made two simple "New Part" blanks: one called "New Part – Inch", the other "~ Metric".
Starting from the latter, I soon made the 'Scribing-block Base' and used [Save As] with that name to keep it safe.
The next part is the column, whose tapered end is to be generated by a Revolved Cut.
It was a complete failure. I created the basic rod easily enough, from my little template, but then it all went to rats. Planes, view-angles, making that Project tool pick up the edge it wants, making that construction triangle…. Nothing worked.
At one point I closed the file without saving it, and started again, but it still all found those rodents.
My final attempt had me looking down at a bar standing at a curious angle, with the triangle draped randomly across it at even dafter compound angle, all totally at odds with what's meant to happen. On a previous attempt it had been floating in space a long way from the column.
I gave up, and closed the lot without saving the column drawing.
I'd started well, had grasped some of Alibre's simpler principles and tools fairly quickly, but……
Ches –
Thank you for the compliment – I hope you have better luck with 3D CAD than I do!