Should be ok in ali bronze. Heavy enough for a model flywheel and will allow those nice cast spokes. Just machine it at a bit slower speed than for other bronzes and to minimise drill grabbing, grind or stone a small flat on each cutting edge of the bit to give zero rake as you do for brass. To make tapping easier if needed, drill the tapping hole a bit oversize, a la Tubal Cain's suggestions in his Model Engineer's Handbook. If reaming, drill first to about 5 thou under final reaming size. It won't be as easy peasy as machining brass or even leaded bronze but completely do-able with suitable care.
Another alternative if you are getting the other bit cast in ali is get the flywheel cast in ali and turn up a steel rim that can be shrink fitted onto the machined down ali centre section. This will put a bit of weight at the outside diameter where it will do the most good.
Edited By Hopper on 27/02/2021 09:03:13