Here is a showma engine (unfinished showman's geddit?)
I didn't take a picture but another stand had 4 in Burrell.
If you look closely this is a loco transporter held together by R clips. Has some good ideas that I might consider instead of my Dexion set up.
I snapped this Stent grinder on the Romford stand because there is another thread running about the variety. This is the first show that has not had several Quorns on display. the red thing is a 6in ruler. Shows how much smaller it is than a Clarkson.
Finally there is a Wideawake picture in my album that I can't get at to add so you will have to make the effort to look for it.
Edited By Bazyle on 21/01/2013 22:27:21
Edited By Bazyle on 21/01/2013 22:29:44