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Aircraft General Discussion

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  • #577190
    noel shelley

      Can't see the reading on the ASI ! all right if it's a chopper – may be ! Noel

      Neil Wyatt
        Posted by Martin Dilly 2 on 23/10/2021 10:40:44:

        Not sure if this is quite the right place for this, but mods please move if not.

        I have several hundred copies of Aeroplane Monthly magazine that are too good to bin. They go back to the 1980s and are free to a good home. Collection only. I'm in the Croydon/Bromley area. PM me if you might be that good home and they're yours.

        A free classified ad (see the green stripe) will be more likely to find them a home.


        Michael Gilligan

            According to the news, a big Antonov flew over the south Bradford area between 8 and 9 am on Sunday 17th, must have been quiet cos I missed it, however, early evening on day before, something heavy flew across which gave the impression that the Vulcan is alive and kicking. Didn't get up to look but anyone else saw it?

            Regards Ian.


              Hi all, yesterday 24/06/2022, upstairs, windows open, I should point out that I am the son of a WW2 Merlin engine fitter & that sound is embedded in my dna, I heard one approaching and sure enough moments later a Hawker Hurricane came directly towards me, low down flying North, South, I bathed in that magnificent roar & as soon as it passed over I shot into the front bedroom & watched it until it disappeared, I always say an unexpected sighting is a bonus!

              Bob H


                Only sound better than a Merlin on song is four of them in close formation. OR on occasion, four plus two.

                Regards Ian.

                Edited By Circlip on 25/06/2022 09:15:33



                  The sound of a single Merlin is great when you are sitting just behind it!

                  Michael Gilligan
                    Ches Green UK

                      Virgin Orbit – It's a bit sad that it failed. Hopefully they find the cause(s). The UK needs success in this field.

                      VO had one failed test launch then four successful test launches before carrying satellites, but it seems all the bugs are not yet ironed out.

                      "Mr Archer could not confirm whether the rocket had fallen back to Earth but said that if it did, it would have come down over unpopulated areas." Hmm…that's a bit worrying.

                      SpaceX had 4 or 5 glorious failures before they got the hang of it.

                      Now it is just like shelling peas to them – they successfully launched 3 rockets in 36 hrs the other day, with boosters returning to ground….


                      noel shelley

                        Rather unfortunate – I'm glad I'm not the insurer ! Noel.

                        mark costello 1

                          I live on a glide path to a medium used military airport. Several years ago I was outside at night and a military jet went over "darn the noise hit the gas." At around 2 minute intervals 3 more went over. No chance of seeing them as the sound was lagging behind. 2 or 3 days Bengazi was on the news, I figure these were the fighters that were scrambeled then recalled.crying It was a glorious sound to hear when Someone was piloting in anger and meant it. Been to airshows and this was different.

                          Robert Atkinson 2

                            On Virgin Orbit, they have been making a lot of noise in the media about the launch aircraft but it's all been done before. Thirty years ago Marshall Aerospace ing Cambridge (UK) modified a Lockheed L1011 Tristar into this:


                            And it's still doing launches. Significant structural modifications including a Hole in the belly to take the tail of the rocket.
                            The VO launcher is basically on the 747's fitth engine mount. ( for transporting spares as at the time no freighter could cay the engine internally)

                            Marshall's get very little credit for this work, to read most material it was all done by the Americans.

                            Robert G8RPI.

                            Martin Kyte

                              And earlier than that Marshall’s did a V bomber conversion to launch the Blue Steel stand off bomb which OK was not a space vehicle merely a nuclear missile but the aircraft part of the system is still the same. My old mate Barrie now passed on worked on the fairing of the bomb bay.

                              regards Martin


                                What low-wing, smallish aircraft sounds like both a jet and a supercharged piston-engine combined?

                                ..over the Cotswolds this afternoon, mid-to-dark blue beneath, clipped wings and tailplane..?

                                I only saw it from beneath..

                                Grindstone Cowboy

                                  There's a Aero L-39 Albatros based at Blackpool that kind of fits that description, and it was flying today.



                                    Aah, thanks, but no, I'm fairly sure this was prop-driven (of course I should have said that in my OP – sorry)

                                    The L-39 looks fun, though.

                                    ..The sound of the plane I saw was more like a Fairey Gannet or something of that ilk and I would have thought probably a contemporary..?

                                    martin perman 1

                                      sounds like you saw a Beechcraft T MK1 which the RAF replaced the Tucano with, its a tandem two seat trainer.

                                      Martin P

                                      Edited By martin perman on 06/06/2023 08:07:37


                                        Thanks Martin, that's exactly it – I had no idea such a thing even existed..

                                        We've been a bit 'eyes to the sky' due to the Spitfire move to Kemble..

                                        Martin Connelly


                                          One of these, photo taken 2014.

                                          Martin C


                                            Other recent visitors to the Cotwolds from over the pond.


                                            martin perman 1
                                              Posted by Martin Connelly on 06/06/2023 15:06:26:


                                              One of these, photo taken 2014.

                                              Martin C

                                              Thats a Slingsby T67, the seats are side by side and has a petrol engine not a turbo prop.

                                              Jon Lawes

                                                That's a Grob Tutor. We share a hangar with a squadron of those at Yeovilton.

                                                Jon Lawes

                                                  It does sound like you Saw the Texans that the Services recently got. Turboprop, not quiet, and we had a couple at Yeovilton today.

                                                  Edited By Jon Lawes on 06/06/2023 18:10:06

                                                  martin perman 1
                                                    Posted by Jon Lawes on 06/06/2023 18:05:40:

                                                    That's a Grob Tutor. We share a hangar with a squadron of those at Yeovilton.

                                                    you are correct, I mistook the reg as G-BYYG not BYVG

                                                    Martin P

                                                      Posted by Jon Lawes on 06/06/2023 18:09:16:

                                                      It does sound like you Saw the Texans that the Services recently got. Turboprop, not quiet, and we had a couple at Yeovilton today.

                                                      Edited By Jon Lawes on 06/06/2023 18:10:06

                                                      Ah, yes, I did get a sense of the 'camelback' look as it banked away and it's pretty distinctive.. Thanks for the confirmation..

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