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    Michael Gilligan

      Just stumbled across this Vulcan footage: **LINK**

      … it was ‘recommended’ in the side-bar whilst I was watching a microscopy video !


      Lee Rogers
        Posted by Michael Gilligan on 27/02/2021 11:44:49:

        Just stumbled across this Vulcan footage: **LINK**

        … it was ‘recommended’ in the side-bar whilst I was watching a microscopy video !


        It's a good clip , one of that channels better effors but the Channel Dark Skies is I'm afraid not a go to channel for accurate historical fact . Theres a WW1 anti Zeppelin raid video that shows men staring into radar screens among other howlers.

        Michael Gilligan

          Oops … **LINK**

          USAF Boeing/Bell CV-22B Osprey 10-0053 leaving Addenbrooke's Hospital


          martin perman 1

            Today I've been behaving like the cuckoo from a cuckoo clock, the weather has been fair to middling and I've been popping in and out to see what the aircraft were I've been hearing, it turns out that Shuttleworth, I'm only four miles as the crow flies, have had their first Airshow today, I've not been to an Airshow for years so had a look at the Shuttleworth web site to see how much tickets are and it appears that you not only need a mortgage to buy tickets but you have to rent a piece of land as well, standing on my own land looks like the better option at the moment smiley

            Martin P

            Martin Kyte
              Posted by martin perman on 02/05/2021 16:49:42:

              Today I've been behaving like the cuckoo from a cuckoo clock, the weather has been fair to middling and I've been popping in and out to see what the aircraft were I've been hearing, it turns out that Shuttleworth, I'm only four miles as the crow flies, have had their first Airshow today, I've not been to an Airshow for years so had a look at the Shuttleworth web site to see how much tickets are and it appears that you not only need a mortgage to buy tickets but you have to rent a piece of land as well, standing on my own land looks like the better option at the moment smiley

              Martin P

              I can think of worst ways to spend your money. ;O)

              regards Martin

              Mike Poole

                Approaching Benson today, it’s the first time I have seen an Osprey coming into RAF Benson which doesn’t mean it is the first visit but I haven’t seen one before.


                Edited By Mike Poole on 03/06/2021 19:41:28

                Neil Wyatt
                  Posted by Michael Gilligan on 23/04/2021 08:18:41:

                  Oops … **LINK**

                  USAF Boeing/Bell CV-22B Osprey 10-0053 leaving Addenbrooke's Hospital


                  I saw that a week or two ago. Whoops indeed…

                  There was also a near miss at Old Warden (a Cessna and a glider tug).

                  Lee Rogers
                    Posted by Neil Wyatt on 03/06/2021 20:19:43:

                    Posted by Michael Gilligan on 23/04/2021 08:18:41:

                    Oops … **LINK**

                    USAF Boeing/Bell CV-22B Osprey 10-0053 leaving Addenbrooke's Hospital


                    I saw that a week or two ago. Whoops indeed…

                    There was also a near miss at Old Warden (a Cessna and a glider tug).

                    Lee Rogers

                      The near miss was a strange one . Cessna pilot reported that they had problems with a passenger trying to take controll of the aircraft. The Osprey is a new addition to my ''sounds like nothing else '' list of aircraft. DH Heron, Comper Swift,Zlin 526.

                      noel shelley

                        Heard a BB V22 osprey thundering about earlier this evening. Up on the Wash Coast we have them about very regularly. Once heard they are instantly recogniseable, with their huge paddle wheel props. Noel

                        martin perman 1

                          Sally B trundled over Bedford around lunch time today heading west, I wonder where she was of to.

                          Martin P

                          Mike Poole

                            She is listed as attending Ragley Hall for a non landing display at the Midlands Air Festival today and tomorrow. You might get another look tomorrow.



                              Just seen two Spitfires fly over our house, checked Flightradar24 and it gave their registrations and one was at 1600 feet the other at 2000 feet but as a pair. Just lately we seem to be seeing Spitfires overflying on a regular basis, sometimes weekly. We are not that far from Biggin Hill as the crow flies or a Spitfire even, it seems that they probably come this way for the views at Beachy Head and the South Downs, we are located just outside Eastbourne. It’s lovely to sit in our conservatory and listen to the very distinctive sound of a Merlin engine, brings back memories of my time in the Air Force. Dave W

                                Posted by Lee Rogers on 03/06/2021 22:51:49:

                                The near miss was a strange one . Cessna pilot reported that they had problems with a passenger trying to take controll of the aircraft. …


                                Fascinating reading.

                                I expected the silly passenger to have got more attention in the Airprox Report, but not so. Too many other pilot slip ups on both sides of this near miss for him to matter! By intruding into a notified restricted zone I thought the incomer, PA46, would be the main cause, but the safety precautions don't rely on that alone. The tug pilot scored a giant black for leaving his transponder off so other pilots weren't alerted electronically he was nearby:

                                Turning to the actions of the PA18 pilot, the Board wondered why they had their transponder turned off, the pilot was contacted but chose not to reply to the request for further information (C F4). Because the transponder was selected off the TAS fitted to the PA46 could not identify the PA18 and therefore not alert the PA46 pilot to the presence of the PA18 (CF8).

                                Is there a good reason why a pilot would fly with the transponder switched off? His silence seems eloquent!


                                Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 06/06/2021 15:18:07

                                  Posted by Mike Poole on 05/06/2021 22:08:32:

                                  You might get another look tomorrow.

                                  Yep, she flew over my mum's house in north Bedford about 2 hours ago, heading SW.


                                    Posted by Andrew Johnston on 06/06/2021 15:41:05:

                                    Posted by Mike Poole on 05/06/2021 22:08:32:

                                    You might get another look tomorrow.

                                    Yep, she flew over my mum's house in north Bedford about 2 hours ago, heading SW.


                                    And she’s just gone over us (south of Bedford) on her way home.


                                      Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 06/06/2021 15:17:16:

                                      The tug pilot scored a giant black for leaving his transponder off so other pilots weren't alerted electronically…..

                                      The basic transponder does not allow other pilots to see you. Instead it appears on an ATC radar screen with an ident code so that the controller can inform other pilots in the area of potentially conflicting traffic. When towing we use the ident 0034 so that Cambridge can inform any aircraft coming our way that an aircraft is towing, even though we are not in contact with Cambridge ATC. Newer systems such as ADS-B allow other aircraft to be alerted to nearby aircraft without intervention by the controller. The PA46 pilot was 100% responsible for failing to read and/or act on the Old Warden NOTAM.


                                      Edited By Andrew Johnston on 06/06/2021 15:53:05

                                      martin perman 1

                                        Entertaining Grandson so only heard Sally B pass over ours, Red Arrows flew over the show at Shuttleworth this afternoon.

                                        Martin P


                                          This was Heathrow yesterday.

                                          The engineer was performing maintenance on the landing gear during a turnaround and putting 2+2=6 it seems as though he might have put the nose gear lockout pin into the bearing hole rather than the gear lock hole as they are only a few inches apart.

                                          No little pink bodies were hurt so feel free to take the piss and enjoy!




                                          Edited By Buffer on 19/06/2021 19:39:18

                                          Jon Lawes

                                            There is a serious design flaw if it is easy to make that mistake (especially when you consider the pressure that operator is under).

                                            Robert Atkinson 2

                                              Not really a flaw, more of a compromise. There are limited options for where the locking pins can go. The engineer is supposed to be skilled and qualified on the aircraft type. The designer will take thi into accound when deciding what level of "fool-proofing" is required. As gear locking pins are not a flight safety issue it will have a fairly low priority. You can't make a whole fleet of aircraft potentially heavier (burns more fuel) and more expensive just on the off-chance that a skilled person makes a mistake.
                                              There are much more important items that have similar compromises. There hav been a number of cases of A320 series aircraft taking off without cowlings latched properly. This is despite the flight crew checking them as well as the maintence staff. They painted the latchs to make them more visible, still happened, the put a spring "pusher" inot the system so the two halces would not join just under gravity and it still happens.



                                              I'll wait for the accident report before I comment on the actual incident.

                                              This stuff is part of my day job.

                                              Robert G8RPI.



                                                Aircraft are covered in flaws. Look at the Helios crash where Boeing used the same horn for a take off configuration warning on the ground as a decompression in the air. It never occurred to them that a pilot in the cruise might hear the horn and think its a faulty config warning when actually the aircraft is loosing cabin pressure. That killed everyone on the Helios and it's not a one off. It very nearly happened to easy jet and probably countless other times. Airbus 320 have a park brake that is only 12 inches away from the engine start switch and its a rotary knob that turns the same way. As engines are started during pushback guess how many people have set the park brake while being pushed back and nearly killed the tug driver when the nose gear comes through his windscreen. The list of cock ups like this would fill a book.

                                                Any way Rob is quite right to wait for the report but here's some pure speculation.


                                                Robert Atkinson 2

                                                  It gets worse, this has happened before and there is an FAA Airworthiness Directive to correct it


                                                  Cost is about $2000 per aircraft.

                                                  Also see


                                                  The big failure will be if BA did not notifiy their staff of this issue.

                                                  Robert G8RPI.

                                                  Edited By Robert Atkinson 2 on 20/06/2021 12:31:10

                                                  Robert Atkinson 2

                                                    On an engineering note, the fix for this may not be as simple as just fitting a bung in the end of the hollow pivot pin. This type of pin is hollow to save weight and are typically highly stressed. Because of this they are susceptable to fatigue cracking that can originate in corrosion pits. Simply sticking a bung in the hole can cause this kind of corrosion and even when done carefully could drive a requirement for additional inspections or other maintenence. With hindsight, yes you could say changing the size of one of the holes to make this impossible would be a good idea, but without hindsight it would be hard to spot the issue. A zonal analysis might of picked it up but it would require a lot of imagination and by that time in the design process It would be hard to justify a design change for sometihg that is "only" Major severity, not a flight safety hazard and mitigated by the task being performed by trained personell.

                                                    Robert G8RPI.

                                                    Edited By Robert Atkinson 2 on 20/06/2021 15:14:26

                                                    Lee Rogers

                                                      Anyone on the site into Homebuilt aircraft / private flying? I have a Turbulent and a Bolkow 208c that are both in spares or rebuild condition if your looking for a project.

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