Posted by Lee Rogers on 03/06/2021 22:51:49:
The near miss was a strange one . Cessna pilot reported that they had problems with a passenger trying to take controll of the aircraft. …
Fascinating reading.
I expected the silly passenger to have got more attention in the Airprox Report, but not so. Too many other pilot slip ups on both sides of this near miss for him to matter! By intruding into a notified restricted zone I thought the incomer, PA46, would be the main cause, but the safety precautions don't rely on that alone. The tug pilot scored a giant black for leaving his transponder off so other pilots weren't alerted electronically he was nearby:
Turning to the actions of the PA18 pilot, the Board wondered why they had their transponder turned off, the pilot was contacted but chose not to reply to the request for further information (C F4). Because the transponder was selected off the TAS fitted to the PA46 could not identify the PA18 and therefore not alert the PA46 pilot to the presence of the PA18 (CF8).
Is there a good reason why a pilot would fly with the transponder switched off? His silence seems eloquent!
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 06/06/2021 15:18:07