I'm posting in the aircraft thread rather than 'What Did You Do Today' to avoid some smartypants pointing out that it's not model engineering.
Last Friday, much to everyone's surprise, the government announced that private flying could start again, provided 'social distancing' was mantained. In effect that means solo flying in private, but not club, aircraft. Like all clubs my local gliding club has been caught on the hop. We started flying again this weekend, private gliders only, flown solo and aerotow only. They've introduced a traffic light system, green, amber or red. Fortunately I'm in the green category, allowed to do what I like based on experience and currency. Since you can't fly with an instructor and maintain 2m distance a lot of rules and regulations have been temporarily binned. I actually last flew a glider in March, two days before the lockdown was imposed.
A number of aircraft airworthiness reviews have been on hold as I haven't been able to go to the club to do the required physical survey. Today I've done three surveys, including one of my gliders which we also rigged. Which was challenging while maintaining 2m separation. The next couple of days will be spent ploughing through paperwork for Airworthiness Review Certificate renewals. This is just the start. A lot of people have been unable to do the annual inspections due to lockdown. So I expect there is now going to be a flood of inspections and ARC renewals to do. I might even fit in some gliding and power flying! I've almost finished the regulator design for my traction engines, so I'd like to finish those too!