Recently the new owner of an old Harrison 140 lathe (@1972).
Having spent sometime now cleaning, repainting and generally making good 40 years of use (from what I can tell only slight use) I took my first few cuts, and all is well and I am extremely happy with it —- BUT, as there's always a BUT — I have a very small annoying problem.
I have turned a few test pieces over the past few weeks and was confident to try my first real go at making something I needed, modify a 2.5MOD spur gear to fit in my Herbert Mill table gearbox.
All was going well having first faced it to depth – bored it to the spindle size and even cutting in a key way. I then had to turn the piece around to reduce the boss of the gear by 2mm – this is where my annoyance started.
When I purchased the lathe it came with boxes of bits and pieces and in amongst the bits where outside jaws for my chuck, i remembered picking them up from under all the none useful parts and muttering to myself "Oh that's good at least Ive got those" I promptly cleaned them and gave them a good rub with a very oily rag and put them away for an occasion at which I would need them – the occasion had arrived, sooner than I would have imagined but now was the time to change my chuck jaws to help me hold the spur gear – I am anticipating everyones thoughts at this point – and yes you are correct – they are not the right jaws.
Or should I say, they are the right jaws, well 2 of them are the 3rd is also a 3, if you get my jist. I have a 1 and two 3's, obviously they don't work with the chuck so my spur gear had to be held very strangely in my internal jaws – still managed to do it with a few thou to spare …..
Looking through a well know auction site there are plenty of jaw sets for sale at the moment but nothing that I can see that are the same dimensions as my chuck – 8" Pratt Burnard –
I read that its not a good idea to use chuck jaws that weren't supplied with the actual chuck at purchase, I can only think this is down to them being ground to suit the chuck.
If I do manage to find a set of jaws the right dimensions what would be the pros/cons or is it just all Cons……
Obviously if anyone has a set of jaws that would suit then please let me know.
NB – I'm a beginner – reference to doing things wrongly as mentioned above is my learning curve.
Edited bit – If anyone has a 1 and two 2's I know where your 3rd one is !
Edited By Me. on 05/02/2021 14:53:39