Advice wanted please on sale of railway book.


Advice wanted please on sale of railway book.

Home Forums Books Advice wanted please on sale of railway book.

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    Dave Wootton

      I've been asked to help with the disposal of the effects of a lifetime railway and model railway enthusiast who has sadly had to go into care. The model railway equipment was very easy to dispose of via our very helpful local model railway group. One of the items is a copy of the book " La Locomotive a Vapeur" by Chapelon, the english translation sold by Camden. This appears to be a collectible book and is quite pricey in dealers, as we are trying to raise as much cash as possible we would like to sell this book on. This is a bit out of my field of experience and as there must be a few rail enthusiasts on the forum would anyone have an idea of the best place to advertise it please? I don't really do Ebay but could probably get someone to list it for us, but admit I view ebay with suspicion. This is the last item to go so I'm keen to get it disposed of so I can get back in the workshop wit a clean conscience! Any advice gratefully received.

      Thank You


      Dave Wootton
        Peter Greene

          Why not place it in the "For Sale" ads here? Nothing to lose.

          Alternatively, I should think that many model railway magazines would have a sale-want-ad section.

          Edited By Peter Greene 🇨🇦 on 14/02/2023 17:11:16

          noel shelley

            I seem to recall that as a subscriber pre publishing that it was £55, so double that as a start,Ebay may be your best bet, appears to be collectable. You may well find a buyer here ? Noel.

            Dave Wootton

              Thanks Peter and Noel, I'll try it on here first and if no interest will get a friend to put in on the dreaded bay!

              Thanks Again


              duncan webster 1

                There are several copies of the French version on amazon books, starting at £135. Might be worth contacting the sellers to see if they will make you an offer, or perhaps sell it on commission.

                  Posted by noel shelley on 14/02/2023 17:11:50:

                  I seem to recall that as a subscriber pre publishing that it was £55, so double that as a start, Ebay may be your best bet, appears to be collectable. You may well find a buyer here ? Noel.

                  There's several on ABE Books, starting at £150, but obviously they are still listed so no buyers at that price.

                  On on eBay UK at £110

                  But one completed last year at only £46


                  Edited By peak4 on 14/02/2023 18:18:44

                  Martin Shaw 1

                    Bill has unfortunately hit the nail on the head, it is by no means worth as much as we think it should be. It is a niche publication in a very small market, if you can get £100 for it, take it but it won't be quick. I suspect most individuals who want a copy have one already. This is a major problem with railway books and I'm afraid a lot of nice collections will go for next to nothing or less over the next 20 years. Most families and executors want rid of as quickly as poss, been there I'm sorry to say.


                    Edited By Martin Shaw 1 on 14/02/2023 18:29:18

                    Ramon Wilson

                      Dave – I have to say I'm afraid I can't share your 'suspicion' of eBay for as far as my dealings on there as a seller (and a buyer) I have had nothing but success over several years now.

                      I follow three basic rules – take several pics of the item. Describe if fully and fairly, warts and all and make it very clear what you won't do ie 'sold as described with no returns accepted', 'no overseas sales' or whatever other stipulation you wish to apply.

                      I've just parted with an oscillator – ten day auction with no bids until the last hour or so. It made considerably more than the opening bid I placed on it.

                      A good tip is to take images of it as you pack it and as ready to send – just for extra insurance against potential claims for poor packing.

                      Yes the risk is there that it may not do as well as hoped – had that happen a couple of times with quite pricey IC engines but that's the way of auction anywhere – and then again I've had more than enough the other way to compensate.

                      Good luck with selling it however you do it

                      Best – Tug

                      Dave Wootton

                        Thanks for the further replies and information., have listed it on here and will see how it goes, had a word with the family and decided to try it at a reasonable amount on here rather than try to get more on ebay and pay their fee's. in the end whatever it sells for will be a bonus. The rest of his book collection has been split between three local charity shops, there were too many for one to handle! Sadly box after box of old model railway ( back to the 50's) and steam railway magazines had to go to the recycling centre, couldn't give them away, one of the downsides of owning an estate car is how handy one is for transportation!

                        Tug, you may be right about Ebay, I've had quite a few good experiences with it as a purchaser, mainly film photography items. But a few years ago an experience as a seller has made me wary, your advice is very good and had I taken those precautions you outline at the time would have saved a lot of problems. I shall bear them in mind for the future, thanks.

                        Thanks Again


                        Edited By Dave Wootton on 14/02/2023 20:35:05


                          Be wary of secondhand book prices you see listed on Amazon and its subsidiary AbeBooks. I know from other books I have looked at that their listed prices have no bearing on reality. Sometimes they list books for several times the price you can still buy the book from the publisher for! Something to do with automated AI bots checking the net and seeing each others prices and jacking them up ad infinitum. That is why the books sit there with a high price, unsold. Most reliable price guide might be to do an advanced search on eBay and tick the "completed sales" box and you will see what they have actually sold for.

                          I am not an eBay seller but pretty sure I have seen listings on there that had a minimum bid or reserve price so you can be guaranteed not to sell your item for less than you wish to. Not experienced on that stuff though.

                          vic francis

                            Hi Dave, a sad story to hear, however if your friend goes into care whilst in a hospital bed, then the hospital fund it ,( at least for the first year) if you go into care from home then you pay for it all subject to your assets…. Depending on medical needs… Email me if you want more info.. at £50 to 80k per year (your assets raised )funds don't last long…..That way maybe he could keep his book and still look at it……The problem lies with all the cheating and false assessments which happen… Don't ask me how I know… ,( 5 years experience) And no honest official safeguards. Excuse the post ,but it is intended to help others here … eBay with a reserve price….could be one option or the classifieds with offers on here!

                            It is up to the moderator if wants to remove this post..

                            Kindest regards and the best for the future to your friend Dave,


                            Dave Wootton

                              Hi Vic

                              I don't really know the owner of the book well, I have met him, but my involvement is only as a friend of his daughter, we both play in the same swing band. I was the only person they know with any knowledge at all of models and railways. The house has to be vacated by the end of this week so unfortunately a huge amount of railway and model magazines went to the tip along with the remains of his model layout. The rolling stock was all bought by a local group for a very good price, it was all EM gauge which is a mystery to me. Unfortunately the chap is unable to read anymore so the book would be no use to him. I'll do my best to sell the book, which I only held back from all the hundreds that have gone to charity shops as my own copy cost quite a bit a few years ago, but we have now agreed if no takers that too will go to a good cause. Thank you for taking the trouble to post the above information, I've been in this situation with my Mum, which is why I was keen to help out.

                              Thanks again for all the replies, now back to the workshop!



                                Dave. If you take the book to a charity shop explain its worth to them. Many charities have online auction sites where they list items of value so as to realize a bit higher income. As far as I recall registered charities have an arrangement where they pay no insertion or final price fees with many auction sites/companies.


                                David-Clark 1

                                  Ebay often have 80% off final selling fees.

                                  saves a lot of money.

                                  Camden do a digital version for £24.95.

                                  Mike Poole

                                    Oxfam have an online book shop as well as high street book only shops. They seem aware of the value of books. They may not be a cause the family wish to raise money for and other charities may also check book values.


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