Hello Warbie,
Pickling large items like boilers with citric acid takes a little while
and exhausts quite quickly. the chemical we use at work is Sodium Bi- Sulphate
and its designated use is for lowering the ph values in swimming pools.
The chemical is virtually sulphuric acid(apart from a few electrons) and
gases given off when pickling should be viewed as sulphuric acid.
The chemical should be mixed with 28g per100g of water, but we found that
this is not critical. It is nowhere near as volatile as sulphuric acid.I wouldn’t
recommend that you place your hand in the pickle, but it will sting a bit if it
comes in contact with an open wound, you only need to immerse the job
in the pickle for about 20 minutes. You can get the pickle from any
swimming pool supplies shop, hopefully there should be one
near by and it is not all that expensive.
hope this helps.