Hello again
Clive's explanation is very helpful, but it does not apply in my case. I have no regulator, only a cut-out (which does, none the less, 'use' some of the output). My system is a three brush system (out of date by about 1935) in which a feed from the winding is used to energise the field coils, but these are not earthed directly. Instead they are earthed with a third brush running between the main ones, so the voltage across the field varies with output and speed. Varying the position of this brush varies the strength of the output, and this system levels out the output voltage. Usually. Somewhat.
So, my field winding, in order to work properly with the third brush, has a lower resistance than a later two-brush system, and this makes running it with two brushes and a regulator rather difficult. But, instead of the original charging scheme, which could be switched on or off only (ie too much or not enough, take your pick) I have a four-position switch and a series of low resistances in the field circuit.
Anyone wishing to know more is asked to get in touch, as I guess this is a bit arcane for most of you.
Cheers, Tim
And Clive, I'll send a PM when I have had breakfast.