I'm sure it would be of interest, so please go for it.
The main problem is the forum limits the number of characters per post, so the article has to be broken into several parts. My 'Making a Start in FreeCAD' is an example .
Each post is limited to a maximum of about 2500 characters. The exact number varies depending on what else is in the payload such as links to photographs. One thing to avoid is importing a non-standard font, as might happen when pasting from a word processor. The font, and any other features added by the word-processor consumes some of the character count. (Hint: the remove format button, looks like a blue eraser 4th from top right on the edit screen , strips out extra material.)
The forum allows much larger posts to be typed than it will accept, so you only find out if it's over the limit when the send button is used! The author is told how many characters need to be removed, and has to get the count down by editing his material.
With practice, you get a feel for when posts are approaching the limit and can just type them in. However, I prefer to write the whole article offline with a plain text editor, and break neatly it into parts of less than 2500 characters each. After photos have been stored in the album, each part is pasted one at a time into the forum editor, and photos, links etc added, with a reasonable chance the whole will be accepted or only need minor tweaking.
If comments are welcome during publication, allow time between part posts for people to comment. Otherwise, post the whole lot as quickly as you can, so readers don't have time to intrude. I don't know of a way to stop others posting between parts.