John D,
First, welcome to the forum. It's a shame that you've received no responses to your enquiry. I suspect that there are few owners of a (specifically Myford) VMC mill on here with Machine-DRO magnetic scales fitted. That's a pretty narrow field. I was reluctant to reply myself, for those very reasons, but I can't keep my trap shut! So…….
A quick Google reveals that Machine-DRO have a few photos of a DRO installation on their web site
Myford DRO install
Admittedly they look like glassin their example, not magnetic scales, but the mounting principle is similar. Have you contacted them for their views on the subject?
I have a Warco VMC; virtually identical to the Myford version and I had to fabricate all the mounting brackets from angle aluminium that I happened to have lying around. Not aesthetically pleasing, perhaps, but functional and robust for all that. There are some pictures in my Warco VMC album. The Z-axis was a little awkward in as much as the vertical face of the body to which the scale is attached is NOT vertical. I measured the angular difference with a digital angle gauge and made up a couple of spacers with one side machined to that angle and drilled through to accept the mounting screws, thus providing mountings which were truly parallel with the Z-axis slide ways.
![z-axis mounting z-axis mounting]()
The right angle joints are secured with elongated slots so as to obtain articulation of the mounting to assist in the alignment.
It doesn't answer your original question, but I think you are going to have to bite the bullet and be a trailblazer for your particular machine/DRO combination. If you do, share your results on here, for the benefit others in the same position.
Afterthought: Granted the magnetic scales are smaller and, arguably, easier to mount, but I have found that glass scales, though bulkier, can be accommodated reasonably easily on the VMC. It's a hefty bit of kit for a home workshop. And they're cheaper!
Hope that helps,
John H