One and all
Having had a quick reccy this evening- IT’S GOING TO BE A GOOD ‘UN !!!!!!
Define “odd” ?
‘ Cos most of our lot ( at least those wearing the necessary supporting garments ) have bumps in very strange places ( I can say that from a medical view point).
I believe the term is “eating mans goitre” or beer gut ? MOOBS is another term I have heard.
Dave- try warming the key hole first.
Mr Chrisp seemed very chirpy this evening, lets see what effect the local ale has overnight!
Chris and Circlip- let the poor bloke alone. You should regard his pilgramage as a chance to educate and inform the uninstrcuted ( or should that be institutionalised ).
Must go Matron’s noticed I’m out!!!
See you Saturday ? Sunday guys ( lumpy orotherwise)