As regards changing browsers, why should I bother.
Because they have pros and cons. Excessive advertising is a big problem on the web, previously mitigated by installing any of several Browser extensions, but Brave and iPad and others are now building them in. So if your current Browser doesn’t support ad-blocking, switch to one that does.
Other reasons include privacy – I refuse to use Edge. Or discovering a Browser has a security problem, or is out-of-date. Some browsers are super-quick, except they achieve speed by stripping out features – a problem if a feature is important. Worth keeping an open mind on alternatives: if your Browser does a poor job on this website, it will also be deficient on others.
I use Fitefox with ad-blocking extensions. On my main machine the ad-blocker is set to aggressively strip out all adverts because they get in the way of moderating. On my other machines, like this laptop in front of the telly, I’ve set the same ad-blocker to allow most ads because when I’m being an ordinary member, not moderating, the ads are sometimes worth seeing. Being able to fine control ads is useful.
Trouble with ads though is that webmasters often overdo them, throughly annoying prospective customers. I suspect they don’t use the site themselves, and don’t realise how counter-productive excessive ads are.