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  • #143955
    John Stevenson 1

      OK back.

      Firstly I am on about 5 or 6 forums that are based round home workshops. Non of the owned / moderated forum's allow advertising. Usually it's the other posters who make the person aware they are transgressing. Over on Practical Machinist you get get banned, no argument gone, Don is like that.

      HSM has a no advertising policy clearly stated in every sub forum, one warning and then you are out on your ear.

      There had already been one on the first page of the 3D Printing thread, a newbie with one post, bit obvious that, and Jason jumped on it but no one picked that up ?

      There is no moderator forum out of sight of the rest, we have something far more technical, we email each other but seeing as Diane is busy and doesn't want to be bothered with handbag fights she leaves it up to the rest of us.

      I don't know about Jason but I have far more to do than hold hands, sort handbags out and clean up hair curlers.

      I siad this the other day and some miight have thought i was joking but i wasn't.

      Out of the forums I am on this is the worst for bitching back biting and generally doing anything but anything useful.

      According to the admin site and it's not my place to release figures but we have well in excess of 10,000 member on this forum but the forum is being run by about 10 individuals to the detriment of the rest of the users, quite a few even admit they don't buy the mags or subscribe !!

      So WTF are you even doing here ???????

      I speak to a lot of people in this game, mostly newbies, in fact that's why I'm late in tonight as i have been training a guy up and without fail, this guy included they are put off posting by the elitist attitude on this forum.

      Now one of the posters the other day even accused the management of being elitist not realising he was one of the people putting beginners off this site.

      Don't believe me / Go over to the HSM forum and take a look at the subjects being discussed at present.

      Now everyone is going to be up in arms over this post, to be honest i don't give a rat's arse, at present I have more on my mind that trying to chaperone a bunch of old ladies at the wrong time of the month.

      John McNamara

        From above:

        Among other inflammatory remarks……

        "Now everyone is going to be up in arms over this post, to be honest i don't give a rat's arse, "

        (Sexist and condescending)
        "at present I have more on my mind that trying to chaperone a bunch of old ladies at the wrong time of the month."


          Posted by John Stevenson on 14/02/2014 22:37:17:

          OK back.

          Firstly I am on about 5 or 6 forums that are based round home workshops. Non of the owned / moderated forum's allow advertising. Usually it's the other posters who make the person aware they are transgressing. Over on Practical Machinist you get get banned, no argument gone, Don is like that.

          HSM has a no advertising policy clearly stated in every sub forum, one warning and then you are out on your ear.

          There had already been one on the first page of the 3D Printing thread, a newbie with one post, bit obvious that, and Jason jumped on it but no one picked that up ?

          There is no moderator forum out of sight of the rest, we have something far more technical, we email each other but seeing as Diane is busy and doesn't want to be bothered with handbag fights she leaves it up to the rest of us.

          I don't know about Jason but I have far more to do than hold hands, sort handbags out and clean up hair curlers.

          I siad this the other day and some miight have thought i was joking but i wasn't.

          Out of the forums I am on this is the worst for bitching back biting and generally doing anything but anything useful.

          According to the admin site and it's not my place to release figures but we have well in excess of 10,000 member on this forum but the forum is being run by about 10 individuals to the detriment of the rest of the users, quite a few even admit they don't buy the mags or subscribe !!

          So WTF are you even doing here ???????

          I speak to a lot of people in this game, mostly newbies, in fact that's why I'm late in tonight as i have been training a guy up and without fail, this guy included they are put off posting by the elitist attitude on this forum.

          Now one of the posters the other day even accused the management of being elitist not realising he was one of the people putting beginners off this site.

          Don't believe me / Go over to the HSM forum and take a look at the subjects being discussed at present.

          Now everyone is going to be up in arms over this post, to be honest i don't give a rat's arse, at present I have more on my mind that trying to chaperone a bunch of old ladies at the wrong time of the month.

          Well said.


            I do feel Mark may also have been a bit peeved as there was another post offering a similar service in the 3D thread that got missed by the mods, this has also been deleted and a quick PM sent to the poster.

            For those that said they would welcome such a service they can now find details in the classifieds.

            As for what JS says, I have to agree to some extent and that is one of the reasons I started the "what did you do today" threads. It would be nice to see a few others posting there rather than the regular half dozen or so, better still start your own build thread and prove JS wrong and that you do actually get out in the workshop which is where I'm heading right nowsmiley


              Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

              Michael Gilligan
                Posted by MICHAEL WILLIAMS on 15/02/2014 08:55:05:
                Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


                Diane Carney

                  I do.

                  Michael Gilligan
                    Posted by Diane Carney on 15/02/2014 09:16:59:

                    I do.


                    Then I retract my previous answer.


                    John Stevenson 1

                      Never having had an engineering drawing in Latin but, and I kid you not, some of the early Leyland Beaver wiring diagrams were inscribed in Latin ?? I'm assuming as I just cannot be bothered playing childish games that it's a put down.

                      Do I take it that Micheal Gilligan is building a submarine ??

                      Anyway thank you for all the emails and PM's I'm obviously nearer the mark than I thought.

                      Anyway taking a leaf from Jasons book I'm off into the shop now it's got up to a comfortable 35 degrees and going to get the new lathe that i have had for over 6 months into place and modified to suit how I work – my lathe.

                      I shall post this up later tonight in the what did you do thread.

                      Anyone of a delicate disposition or a member of the flat earth society should be warned you need to be sitting down. Now where did I put that 7" angle grinder ?


                        What's a cartoon fish got to do with it anywayquestionwink 2

                        John Stevenson 1

                          Forgot about that one, I was thinking of the steam punk submarine just to try and keep it on track for this forum.

                          Something else i forgot was when reading the emails i had to go back as it looked like I had two identical emails but no they were from two different guys and nearly word perfect copies.

                          Basic jist was they very rarely posted because they had been steam rollered in the past when posting, they went over to HSM, didn't know it was there, and liked what they saw, so this forum is the worse off.

                          Right off to Weatherspoons for me brecky, £2.69 full english, toast and bottomless coffee, then in the shop.

                          That'll do me for the day now.

                          Michael Gilligan
                            Posted by John Stevenson on 15/02/2014 09:48:11:

                            Forgot about that one, I was thinking of the steam punk submarine just to try and keep it on track for this forum.


                            Just for info.

                            Both of those names were, I believe, chosen because of the meaning of the Latin word.

                            … and I would say that Michael Williams' question was precisely on topic for this thread.


                            John Stevenson 1

                              Well Micheal if management want to remove me that's up to them, as I said before I don't give a rats arse.

                              Now if you want to take the job over, shout up, it will be easy as you will only have 10 members.

                              Brecky calls – hold the replys.


                                May I clarify then, just to be sure?

                                As an individual, I can advertise in the free classifieds paid services to hobby model engineers be it cad work, machine work etc.

                                I guess that would make me part time self employed as it would be taxable income over and above my normal day job.

                                So long as I am not a ltd company.




                                  Nigel I think this does need a bit more clarrification from the powers that be. I say this because there are small paid for adverts in the mag for people taking on engineering work who I suspect are retired and using it as pocket money (though as you say taxable) . So why should they have to pay for an advert if others can do it for free in the classifieds.

                                  Diane, Neil can you look into this and give a definitive answer

                                  Ian S C

                                    Probably OT, but if you want to see what happens when a web site gets out of control, well its happened twice actually, the Stirling Engine Forum has over the last few years, collapsed due to scammers taking over, last time, I logged(about a year ago I think), and there was a page of threads, by the time I had alerted the management, there was another page and a half. But these adds were not for Stirling Engines, or anything related, they where for shoes handbags, jewellery ,kitchens, and many more irrelevent bits of junk. I think the site over there is a lower tech type of operation than here. Ian S C


                                      In the past I have recommended to other forum members suppliers of services not included in the paid for adverts on the site. For example (without mentioning names) a person who supplies inverters, two guys who offer a repair and refurbishment service for Myford lathes, a man who makes graduated hand wheel dials etc.

                                      Am I wrong in recommending these very useful suppliers, who make their living from their services, to other forum members?



                                        Eric I see nothing whrong in what you do, I do it myself. Provided you have no connection with teh company its fine, a lot of people wil add "Usual disclainer" which basically says the same thing.


                                        John McNamara

                                          The Artsoft Mach 3 site has a special thread for Forum members to advertise in (As long as it is not competing software to Mach 3). It has been there for as long as I can remember and appears to work well.

                                          The same idea could be applied to this site for individuals (Only) not manufacturing businesses wholesalers or importers of ready made goods and retailers.

                                          Exclusively for the use of known forum members who have contributed over say 6 months and are hobbyists working from a home shed who make small items for sale or offer services for example CAD or engineering services making small parts.

                                          Maybe the posts could be pre vetted before appearing by the moderators. Although it should not be necessary; this is a lively forum. I am pretty sure malefactors will be quickly binned.


                                          Mark C

                                            Not heard from John since the request to post the transcript so here it is:

                                            On 14/02/2014 17:26:05 John Stevenson wrote:

                                            Forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't the post say "Email me for a quote ? "

                                            I must admit i don't have time to read every post and some do slip thru

                                            On 14/02/2014 17:10:09 Mark C wrote:

                                            Sorry you saw it that way, I am not looking for more work – I am busy enough as it is but would try and help others if I could, generally for free. Take a look at the thread about hydraulic pumps for Ms Anderson.

                                            You might also take a look at the post earlier in the thread by Jeff Dayman, that really does look like advertising for work….



                                            On 14/02/2014 17:01:25 John Stevenson wrote:

                                            Removed the bit where you were advertising for work.

                                            Jason also did another one the day before but he put a note in about blatant advertising, I didn't do the same .

                                            On 14/02/2014 10:41:32 Mark C wrote:

                                            John, why was it necessary to edit my post without notification?



                                            Neil Wyatt

                                              I was asked about who should use the free ads.

                                              I would say the issue regarding free classifieds has to be left to the judgement of the person placing the advert. we have to rely on their honesty about the service being 'non-commercial'.

                                              My interpretation would be that a private, non-commercial service would be doing someone a favour in return for a payment to cover costs, rather than as a source of income, comparable to privately selling second hand items i.e.not taxable self-employed work.

                                              If it's part of how you earn your living, then take please out a paid ad. – at least it's tax deductable!

                                              John M. the problem with your suggestion is how we police it. I don't know if someone's shed is 8×16 feet or 8×16 metres.

                                              Mark C. you seem to be caught between two stools. If you still have the goodwill, I'd suggest a post that offers fellow model engineers advice based on your professional experience.


                                              Mark C

                                                Neil, that would be fine – it was all I intended in the first place. I think it would be sensible to try and keep it in the public domain for the benefit of everyone though, and I can't promise that people will get a timely response or any response at all if work gets in the way. On the other hand, it would then be open to peer review.

                                                I take note of you're comments regarding adverts and favours, I will not be placing any adverts but I suspect HMRC might take a different view regarding paid favours!


                                                John McNamara

                                                  Hi Neil

                                                  I am not sure how the size of the shed matters In Australia where I live some are quite large particularly in the country. Alas I live near the city centre, mine is just a small garage stacked to the rafters with cast Iron!.

                                                  As far as policing it is concerned with so many eyes in this place it would not take long to weed out the few any imposters.

                                                  As we say down here in OZ…. "Give it a go mate"……..

                                                  Regards John

                                                  Edited By John McNamara on 16/02/2014 01:21:18

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