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    Chris Crew

      I am not quite sure these days how events are advertised and notified to a potential audience, I suspect that a lot of it is done on ‘social media’, Facebook etc. which I refuse to engage with. Time was when events like traction engine rallies were widely advertised on posters in local shops etc. over quite a wide radius.

      I mention this because of the demise of the Pickering rally several years ago, which was always very well advertised in the manner described above, and this year’s cancellation of the Lincoln rally which was local to me. Presently spending a few days in Whitby, I noticed a placard advertising the Yorkshire traction engine rally being staged at Malton on 31st August and 1st September which I had not otherwise been aware of. I am going to make the effort to attend because it is only 60 mile drive for me and the local rally is now defunct. Although it was showing on a hoarding in Whitby no such billboards have appeared in Lincolnshire, as far as I am aware, as they may have done in years gone by.

      I am now wondering how many other events I may have missed simply because I was unaware of them. Event publicity is probably another area of activity that has disappeared into the ether and it seems that, whilst not being a technophobe as I do use new technology, I have been excluded somewhat by declining to engage with social media. I can’t think that I am alone, or am I?




        Refusing to use new tools, such as Facebook, is at your own loss.  Clubs, events, and the marketplace have moved there and away from Craigslist (or your equivalent in the UK) or member-hosted sites.  Learn how to use the good parts and ignore the bad parts.  That goes for *any* tool.  We all have big brains that remain plastic well into old age.




          Some thousands of live steam event listings in the UK here

          And a google search for “live steam events Lincolnshire” throws up this lot

          Similar results for searching “Traction engine rallies Lincolnshire”.

          Far more comprehensive than the old paper billboard way of doing it. The steamheritage mob in the first link also put out an annual printed catalogue of the year’s steam events if you would prefer dead trees. Details here

          I’m using it to plan my next overseas holiday. I could fill in every day for a month from what’s in there, I reckon.


            A flick through something like “Old Glory” magazine should have a good number of adverts for shows.


            Also Traction Talk Forum has a whole section for shows. There are new people running it now so regestering should be a lot quicker.


            Mark Easingwood

              Hi Chris,

              It was the Whitby Steam fair at the beginning of this month, and the Driffield one last weekend, Scampston, (Malton), next weekend I believe.

              The one here in Driffield, East Yorks, was quite busy, the Saturday night road run very busy.

              They are usually on the same weekend every year, postcode for the Driffield one is, YO25 9FB.

              Found this on YouTube, although I haven’t watched it, it starts with the road run, I don’t think many places do road runs any more.



              Dave Halford

                The only events posted on sign boards seen this year have been for Sandringham and Houghton Hall where the 20th C time warp still exists.

                Btw I don’t use Facebook etc either, but I can do Google searches :O).

                duncan webster 1

                  Cheshire steam fair and Astle Park rally both had extensive roadside advertising.

                  I once joined a so called private group on Facebook, everyone I’d ever met, and everyone who had ever met them, wanted to be my ‘friend’, so I immediately left the group and closed my account. I’d rather live in the real world.

                  Neil Wyatt

                    Information on relevant events can be sent to Model Engineer, and if it’s something like a model engineering show, to MEW as well.

                    Facebook ‘learns’ how you want to use it. You only have to accept the friend requests you want, and you can make your posts visible only to your friends (or other group members if in a group).

                    If you click the ‘X’ on things you don’t want, most of the crud disappears quite quickly, aside from one issue I have – it can’t tell the difference between real archaeology and science that I want to see, and pseudo-science/flat earthers etc.


                    Mark Rand

                      It’s very good at learning to use tracking cookies and other metrics to point adverts in your direction (or other members of the household using the same external IP address).

                      One thing it seems incapable of is remembering that some of us want to see posts in date order, not those it thinks are ‘relevant’.

                      The solution to this is to always use to get there.

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