12 September 2024 at 10:40 Vic Said:
11 September 2024 at 17:34 Vic Said:
11 September 2024 at 14:57 Vic Said:
Sometimes you need context.
Which is why it’s necessary to read posts properly!
In addition though, sometimes editing posts on an iPad can be a real PITA. I try my best but sometimes forum software also makes life difficult.
Vic always has an excuse!
Whilst brevity is a virtue, refusing to read long posts isn’t. Whilst a long post might well be waffle, it could also be pure genius. You have to read it to find out – no shortcuts!
You seem to be using any excuse to have a go. Why don’t you start doing your job and act like a Moderator instead of an Antagonist.
Vic, isn’t the statement ” Why don’t you start doing your job and act like a Moderator instead of an Antagonist.” an example of the ad hominem fallacy? (I expect the usual suspects have stopped reading already!)
I don’t think dubious opinions, bad logic, or errors of fact should pass unchallenged. It’s not a moderators job to protect posters from their mistakes. I simply call on everyone on the forum to “argue with relevant facts and sound logic”.
Taking the hump when criticised is unhelpful too. For example, Michael mentioned Vic occasionally being verbose due to not editing Quoted posts, which is ironic in the context of telling others to keep their posts short! Do we get a “sorry, I’ll try to do better in future”? Absolutely not, we get a weak excuse about supplying context plus Vic’s iPad and the forum software are blamed. Bad attitude I suggest, and one that blocks an easily made improvement. Why defend a minor omission instead of spending a few moments fixing the issue next time? I hope pride and sloth aren’t reasons because both are deadly sins! Beware – getting angry about it adds a third…