Advance Notice – Leaving the Forum


Advance Notice – Leaving the Forum

Home Forums The Tea Room Advance Notice – Leaving the Forum

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  • #752959
    derek hall 1
      On Hopper Said:

      All the research shows that very, very few readers today bother to read all the way through long articles in newspapers, magazines and the internet. Most are put off by the length before they even start so just pass straight over it. Study after study has found this.

      So true!

      A picture says a thousand words!!!

      Anyway I am off topic now 😉

        On SillyOldDuffer Said:
        On Vic Said:
        On Michael Gilligan Said:
        On Vic Said:

        Sometimes you need context.

        Which is why it’s necessary to read posts properly!

        In addition though, sometimes editing posts on an iPad can be a real PITA. I try my best but sometimes forum software also makes life difficult.

        Vic always has an excuse!



        Whilst brevity is a virtue, refusing to read long posts isn’t.   Whilst a long post might well be waffle, it could also be pure genius.  You have to read it to find out – no shortcuts!

        You seem to be using any excuse to have a go. Why don’t you start doing your job and act like a Moderator instead of an Antagonist.

          On derek hall 1 Said:
          On Hopper Said:

          All the research shows that very, very few readers today bother to read all the way through long articles in newspapers, magazines and the internet. Most are put off by the length before they even start so just pass straight over it. Study after study has found this.

          So true!

          A picture says a thousand words!!!

          Anyway I am off topic now 😉

          Dave Halford
            On not done it yet Said:


            On SillyOldDuffer Said:

            Whilst brevity is a virtue, ………..

            Ha ha. #post-751750

            54 posts later……. Ha ha.


            At least he’s trying :O)

          Viewing 4 posts - 76 through 79 (of 79 total)
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