This is a final post to tie up a few loose ends. Thank you to all of those who have said they liked my posts. It takes time and effort to create a post so it is always good to know that they have been helpful, or at least interesting. I have been dithering but have decided to leave; as Vic said we have been here before and I would hate to disappoint him yet again!
As for those who say people should simply disappear they are of course entitled to that view, but I am under no obligation to even consider it, let alone take any notice of it.
Inevitably the forum has changed over the years as, no doubt, I have. There is a significant shift towards beginners, some of whom ask for help but then argue when they don’t get the answer they want. Engineering and machining are as much an art as a science, but some don’t seem to understand that and expect one definitive answer. There is often no right or wrong way to do something. There is also definitely a nastier edge to the forum and some rather unpleasant people.
I was really amused by the comments on long posts; maybe the forum needs a Janet & John section for those with reading dysphoria.
I will be going to Forncett, and exhibiting parts, this year.