Hello Jason.
Thank You for Your help.
May be I’m wrong but I thought that the “Gib Strips” words were used to describe astraight kind of Gib Strip which You adjust by means of several screws along it.
The kind of “Gib Strips” in my milling machine is adjustable by means of two screws
positioned in the top of one side of the dovetail in each of the X , Y and Z axis. So, in
each axis, one screw tights the Gib Strip” against the other. Or so it seams to me.
I must add that in a phone call to the distributor in Portugal I was said the “Gib Strips”
in my machine are wedge shaped (or tapered).
To make clear my first message let me cite what the distributor says in the leaflet
about my milling:
“Robust and precise dovetail control adjustable without clearance with V-ledges“.
If the Gib Strips are tapered shaped, then there must be a pair of them in each
dovetail in such a position that when we tight them against each other, there always a
straight line formed in contact against the dovetail. But in my milling there’s only one
Gib Strip! How does it work?
Dias Costa