Hi folks,
I errantly purchased a ten pack of Emco compatible ISO30 pullstuds off ebay for an F1 I'm trying to stick together thinking they were BT30. Of course when I got around to sticking them in my collet chucks I saw the mistake. They don't fit my National, Briney, BP, off-brand, etc – the cylindrical portion above the thread being .010 or so thou too large for the BT "hole". They thread very nicely but as soon as the locating features touch it's game over.
Being very new to the BT spindle set-up I'm not sure what is what. In practice how critical is the locating diameter (the part that disappears into the collet chuck) on the pull stud? If I try hardturning it and get a little deep or screw up the finish by accident will there be an issue? And second, if hardturning doesn't work and I end up making my own, what (tool) steel is best to use for a stud? I don't have a surface grinder to rig something up on and definitely not a cylindrical grinder so I'm kind of left leaving them in a soft state or praying they don't warp badly.
Now that I've written the above I'm curious if the ISO stud head is even in the right place height wise for a BT. I'll have to go check that off line but I guess my question regarding what steel to use for the studs is still applicable.
Thanks for your time
Andrew Hutchinson
Edited By Andrew Hutchinson on 22/02/2017 01:24:46
Edited By Andrew Hutchinson on 22/02/2017 01:36:38