I bought a cheap combined hygrometer/thermometer off Amazon, with 24hr and all time max/min functions. I later bought a 200W dehumidifier which has a built in hygrometer (so you can set a target humidity.
Positioned about six feet apart and at different heights, they both read consistently within 1% of each other which suggests that they are probably plenty accurate enough.
Interestingly, I found an old 'analogue' hygromneter, the kind that has a coated metal coil. I always assumed that these were pretty hit and miss, but it follows the digital ones within a few percent, always reading higher so if I adjusted it it would probably be surprisingly accurate.
On dehumidifiers, I spent a lot of time searching online and found this one which has vastly more features than other cheap ones (odour filter, hygrometer, programmable humistat, two-speed fan, supplied tube/drain port as well as built in receptacle) , and yet appears to be about the cheapest out there.
It can easily fills the tank overnight (useful source of 'distilled water' although I haven't timed it and now use it with a drain. It's actual energy use seems to average much less than 200 watts and it got the humidity down from over 80% to my target of around 75% in about a week.
I should say my workshop is well insulated and sealed, and although it's about 22 square metres the dehumidifier seems to work well.
Edited By Neil Wyatt on 01/01/2022 17:23:17