Am I missing something here?
One buys a washing machine/dryer etc because it fits in ones kitchen and is a reasonable price (and it is the one SHE wants).
Then one buys one of these energy monitoring devices that tells you it is using X number of Kw's, shock! horror! stop using the device, it costs too much to run.
So! your expensive device noiw lies idle, what was the point in buying it in the first place?
YOUR electric bill is what it is, based on what devices you have/use. If you are not going to use a device, then, what was the point of purchasing it in the first place?
If you don't now use the device, it is an expensive lump sat there doing nothing.
Yes! I did think about buying one of these energy monitors, but decided the money would be better spent on the gas/electric bill rather than on a device that actually tells me nothing I don't already know.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I counted all the devices I have that are on all the time (internet router etc) or on standby when not in actual use and was initially shocked at how many devices I have.
However, looking at my smart meter in home display, the actual energy used by all these devices actually costs very little. i can check usage when I get up to make a cuppa first thing in the morning.
See what the display reads, then take off the daily standing charge and it amounts to about 40p for the 7.5 hours from midnight when the device starts to chart your daily consumption.
I don'y know about the rest of you, but that amount to me is very reasonable and does not persuade me to turn everything on standby off. the convenience outweighs the cost to me, you may differ of course.
Over the years I have done everthing I can to cut down electrical consumption, LED bulbs, buying energy efficient washing machines dryers etc that there id little more that I can do.
So! one buys an energy monitor and checks all the devices in the home – then what are you going to do about it?