From my experience
The key points are get the first layer to stick to the print surface, then maintain a near constant temperature [~70C] of the item as its being built.
You really need to consider a heated print plate capable of 100 C at least ,
An enclosure [box/tent] around the build area helps to retain the heat and stop cooling draughts.
Consider additional chamber heating I have a 200W controlled fan heater running at 70C, others have used InfraRed lamps shining on the build plate
As regards print surfaces PEI works well, The ABS slurry [ bits of ABS filament /supports dissolved in Acetone – keep in sealed Jam Jar] also works. 3D Lac spray is a less messy candidate . A different build surface is the perforated plate used with a printed raft that "keys " into the holes in the plate.
Get the levelling of the Print head to the Build surface correct and consistent over the entire print area.
Turn off the cooling fan, you want to keep the temperature of the printed item up. Though small , delicate items may need cooling after the first layers ~10-20%, or print 2 of them to allow one to cool a bit.
Use a wide Brim around the object, even considered a Raft.
Consider using a high nozzle temperature for the first layers , eg ABS with a temp range of say 220 -250 C consider using 260 C and then drop down for subsequent layers.
Not all ABS filaments are equal, some have additives that make printing easier,
I wish you well, my printing of ABS took a while to get consistent success .