Posted by Old School on 31/10/2017 08:44:03:
Jason I have read what Dave wrote a little differently he said new designs I took that to mean modern. As nice as the old engines are model engineering seems to be stuck in a rut it's the same old year in year out. We could perhaps do with a breath of fresh air in model design a new challenge.
Yes correct !
There seems to be a roundabout, that people get stuck on.
Newbies and oldies buy their second hand or new toys, lathes and mills,
and then buy a lot of accessories that might …just might…come in handy some day, then spend a lot of their time
adjusting, twiddling with and modifying their machines to the highest state of perfection,
for no real reason other than for something to do while they think about what model they are going to do.
When they DO eventually get around to actually start making some model engine or other, it will be
a Westbury or something similar, from the 1930's, just because everyone else has made the same model,
where there are widely available drawings and plans for it.
Same old…Same old …. Ha Ha. !
Old School….Not necessarily modern, although same but different layout and configurations.
Something simple like a 1/20 scale windmill actually pumping water, grinding corn, a beam engine lifting water in a mine….etc.
If there are no drawings for any particular model that is shown or offered on Model Engineer,
then people are unlikely to attempt building one, and revert back to Westburys.
If someone designs a working model, and gets it working, but they do not have equipment or the
skill to produce drawings and plans for it, so no drawings are ever issued,
then no one else will attempt to have a go at making it.
I am just offering to close that gap so that drawings are produced, encourage people to make something !
Not everyone is as skilled as JasonB.